By your side P.P ♡︎

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"Ahh!" You groaned and clutched your lower abdomen as the water trickled down your legs. "Peter!" You called out, and within no time your husband ran into the living room.

"What's wrong?"

"It's time," you smiled and let out another groan, "we have to get to the hospital!" Peter had been waiting for this moment and now it was finally here, he couldn't wait to be the father of your child. Quickly giving you a peck on your lips he smiled and went to get the hospital bag from you room and rushing back and helping you from your seated position. The ride to the hospital took longer than expected, thanks to the New York traffic, "Peter Benjamin Parker I will not be giving birth to our child in this car!" You threatened him as another rather painful contraction hit you, but Peter was rather calm; he had to be. "I know sweetheart, I just need you to breathe with me okay?" He requested and lead you with the breathing exercises you were taught whilst keeping an eye on the road.

After twelve agonizing hours your little bundle of joy was finally here, a healthy baby girl, who had most of her fathers features. "She's perfect." Peter whispered, grinning and taking in the events of the past hours, "Thank you." He said locking his foggy eyes with your tired ones.

A couple more hours later while you were resting, your husband sat on one of the couches in the room, cradling his child ever so delicately when her soft cries scared him, if had done something wrong. Her cries woke you up and you saw Peter's panic stricken face, "Pete, don't worry, she just need to be fed." You informed him with a tired smile, placing her in your arms you unbuttoned your hospital gown and feeding your wailing baby. "Peter, honey, its really late you've been up for hours, you need to sleep," you instructed, "I can take care of her for a few hours."

"Don't be silly, I want to stay up with you." Peter chuckled and sat beside you adoring the child you've created, "We could come up with names?" He chuckled.

"And I'm guessing you already do?"

"You know me so well." His eyes softened, pressing his chapped lips onto yours, making you smile into the kiss. "So what is it?"

"I was thinking Antoinette?"

"Perfect name for a perfect baby," you said as she wrapped her tiny fingers around yours, "I love it, and I love you."

"I love you more." He said, placing a kiss atop your forehead as well as now, Antoinette.

a/n: And now I have baby fever ಥ_ಥ

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