Fun and games H.O ♡︎

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a/n: Request from tumblr, A fluffy concept with haz?? Playing games with him while sitting in his lap ? Nothing smutty just innocent

It was just the beginning of quarantine, and your housemates dusted off various board games and puzzles. Since you had just moved in, thanks to your boyfriend, Harrison, it took a bit to adjust with the rest of the boys.

One day while the rest of the boys were sitting around the dining table solving a puzzle, when you brought a cup of tea for your boyfriend. Placing it on the table you placed a soft kiss on his cheek as he thanked you earning fake gags from the guys. Laughing it off you looked around the table hoping for an empty seat, but alas they were all occupied. Harrison noticed your frown, "What's wrong love?" His silky voice ran through your ears.

"I was just looking for a place to sit," you motioned at the full seats,"but I guess they're not."

"Well I can fix that," He said sliding his chair out and pulled you in his lap making you giggle, "better?"

"Much better." You pecked his lips as a thank you.

"Seriously?" The younger Holland exclaimed, "Could you two be anymore disgusting?"

"You better get used to it Harry, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon!" You replied wrapping your arms around Harrison as he laughed at your comment. You spent the whole day in his lap playing various board games, and Harrison was glad he hid the extra chair that was bought when you moved in.  

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