What's next? part 3

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Warnings: haz being a div, more fluff

This sentence made your eyes open wide and making your heart drop. " Wha-what's wrong? Did I do something?" You said as tears threatened to spill. "Whatever it is, I-I'm really sorry babe" as you stuttered tears rolled down you cheeks.

 Harrison now felt really guilty, he didn't expect that his words you make you cry, he always hated when you cried. "Oh, no love don't cry" he cooed softly bringing you into his chest hugging you and rubbing your back. "Please don't cry". 

Cupping your tear filled cheeks and wiping away some of them he began, "Love listen to me, I just came to tell you that don't let anything happen to Alex, after all that he has been through he doesn't deserve anymore pain." Listening to what Harrison confessed made you look into his ocean blue eyes which were now filled with guilt. "What?" you asked, voice breaking.

 "Yeah, I may or may not have read your novel, sorry" he said scratching the back of his neck.

 "You did what?! Harrison James Osterfield! I can't believe you've done this!" You said as your face now reddened with anger, causing him to flinch. "I told you I would let you read once I'm done because I knew this would happen"

 "In my defense you are an amazing writer and the last two chapters kept me on the edge of my seat." He admitted, holding your hands in his.

 "Thanks, Haz I'm glad you liked it, but I told you I wanted to keep it a surprise”

"Yeah I know, but it's really good. I'm sorry I woke you up you really look tired, sorry"

"It's okay Haz, now c'mon let's go to sleep, big day tomorrow."

Harrison tilted his head and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "What's tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow's chapter is really important for the plot, Alex is going..." before you could utter another word he covered your mouth with his hand, "Nope, no spoilers, that's Tom's job, not yours" he said laughing.


The next morning you wake up to a cold and Harrison less bed. Making your way to the kitchen you see a shirtless Harrison making breakfast, he looked breathtaking.

You walked up to him and hugged him from behind, "Morning, handsome" you mumbled into his strong back muscles. He turned around facing you, placing his soft lips onto yours. You instantly melted into the kiss. Every kiss from him felt like the first time.

Since you hadn't eaten last night your kiss was interrupted by your growling stomach causing the both of you to pull away. "Breakfast?" Harrison chuckled

"Sounds good" you say giving a light peck on his lips. After you devoured Harrison's scrumptious poached eggs and toast, you made your way to the study to finish writing the final 2 chapters to complete your short novel. In those four hours your boyfriend being the gentleman he his tried not distract in any way making sure you don't kill off his favourite character, but he didn't realise that he was distracting you by interrupting you every 15 minutes. You had to literally push him out of the house and made Tom keep him occupied.

"Promise me you'll text me once you're done?" He said over the phone, calling you for the third time. Boy was he desperate, he was now sounding like a small kid.

"Yes, babe I promise, now will please let me write?" You said pinching the bridge of your nose in frustration. "Do you mind giving the phone to Tom?"

"For you" he said handing it over. "Hey, Y/n how's the writing going?" He said playfully.

"Horrible at the moment, because of my wonderfully distracting boyfriend, thank you very much" Tom chuckled on the other side of the phone.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked feeling sorry that you're stuck in this situation.

"Please, keep him distracted for the next maybe 3 to 4 hours, I'm almost done. And keep his phone away from him too, I'll call you when I'm done and you let him know okay?"

"Sure no problem"


In the next few hours you some how managed to complete you novel. You picked up your phone and dialled Tom to let him and Harrison know that you were done.

"Hello, Tom ?" You said as he picked up your call. "Can you-"

"Don't worry he's already out the door" Tom cut you off.

"Ok thanks"

Within minutes a breathless Harrison barged into the study. "Oh my gosh, Haz did you run all the way home?" You asked getting up to get him a glass of water.

"Ye-yeah" he said trying to regain his breath.

"You ran 10 blocks?! Are you insane? You could have taken Tom's car" you yelled as you handed him the glass if water.

"Only insane for you darling" he smirked. God, he knew how to make your heart melt. "Stop being so sappy I'm trying to be mad at you" you giggled.

As you were preparing dinner, Harrison sat in the study reading your latest work. You decided to check up on him; you leaned against the door of the room and saw his cute little reactions. You cleared your throat letting him know of your presence. But he didn’t look up, his eyes were glued to the laptop screen. You went back to the kitchen to finish cooking. While you were almost done you felt a familiar pair of arms wrap you and chin rest on your shoulder.

“Did I ever tell you what an amazing writer you are? he mumbled in you hair, making your cheeks heat up. 

“You may have mentioned it once”you shrugged.

“Well then,” he began by turning you around so that you could face him, “You are an amazing writer and I’m really proud of you!” He praised. “Thanks babe, I’m really glad you like it.” you say putting your arms around his neck. He pulled you closer in a swift motion crashed his soft lips onto yours. You now stood on your toes and pulled him into a deeper and passionate one. 

After a couple minutes you both pull away softly gasping for air. You both rest your foreheads against each others and looking into each others eyes with complete adoration and love for the other. 

“I loved it,” he admitted, “I love you” 

“I love you too” you say looking into his ocean blue eyes, placing you lips onto his again. 

The end.

a/n: The ending was a bit crappy, but i hope you liked it.

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