Tease T.H ♡︎

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a/n: Another request from Tumblr: Hi, love ur writings btw and I wanted to aks if you could do one were y/n lives with the boys and they walk in on her/him dancing to WAP & doing THE dance and the boys just teasing her/him after that.


It was just another day of isolation in the young Holland household. Everyone was busy doing their own thing.

You were busy scrolling through tik tok and saw that everyone was doing the WAP dance. Even though you had an account you never posted any video, you did record yourself doing some dances but it usually was in drafts. So you decided to hop on this challenge. But you didn't want the boys to know, so you went up to your room, propped your phone on the window sill making sure you were in the frame.

Before you could start recording yourself you practiced the dance a few times wanting to get it right. What you didn't know was all your practicing was sending loud vibrations down. The boys were really worried if you had fallen, so the went up to your room and open the door carefully as if they were sneaking in.

You were so busy in the dance you didn't hear the boys come in and record you from behind. The music stopped and you rushed to your phone excitedly to see how you'd done. As you saw the play you saw the boys behind you recording your eyes widened, how on earth did you forget to lock your room!

You felt so embarrassed. You didn't want to get out of your room at all. Suddenly a notification ripped you out of your thoughts.

tomholland2013 mentioned you in a story

You clicked on the notification, only to see your worst nightmare. He had posted the video of you dancing in front of your phone and captioned it, 'busy bee'

You ran down stairs in anger and saw all the boys giggling like 10 year olds. "THOMAS STANLEY HOLLAND take this down right now!" You yelled, angry was an understatement you were furious. You couldn't believe your friends would do such a thing.

"But why?" Harrison laughed, "It's too funn-"

"It's embarrassing!" you yelled, cutting him off.

"Woah calm down now y/n its not like you weren't going to drop it" Harry teased.

"Argg" you groaned in frustration as you stomped to your bedroom.

As much as you wanted to stay in your room your empty stomach didn't allow it. Making your way down stairs you took your food and went back to your room.

When you came back down you found the boys sitting in front of the TV. As you were washing your plate Tom hollered, "Hey, y/n is the water wet enough?"

"That was the last thread!" You hissed as tears ran down your cheeks.

"Guys I think we fucked up" Tom gulped.

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock!" Tuwaine sassed.

They walked up to your room, and as they heard your faint sobs, guilt had taken over them. "Hey, y/n?" Tom said softly as he was being pushed by Harrison.

"What do you divs want now?" You asked, wiping away your tears.

"We came to apologise" Harry stuttered.

"We know we crossed a line and we're sorry" Harrison began. "What we did was wrong and we shouldn't have posted that video" Tuwaine continued.

You look at them with your tear stained cheeks "it's okay, maybe I over reacted too" you inform.

"Is there anything we can do to make it up to you?"Tom asked. "Yeah we'll do anything you want" Harry exclaimed.

"Well there is one thing" you smirked.

"Oh, God" Harrison quaked.


"No, no higher! All way up!" You commanded, "You throw your leg up like this" you demonstrated, the boys how to do the WAP dance

"You had to ask!" Harrison remarked angrily at Harry.

"Let's just get this over with" Harry rolled his eyes.

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