Happy Life H.H

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Part 1

a/n: This is my second series, it is very special to me so, I hope you love it like I do. This is a work of fiction, so if there is something that I've written that is wrong please do not come at me!

You and Harry were not feeling sleepy and decided to go for a late night drive. The night was young, the cold wind in your hair and lungs. But at that hour everything changed.

One minute you were holding hands and looking into your boyfriend's eyes and the next minute there were glass pieces, blood and darkness everywhere and only the faint calling of your name.

You had no idea how long you were unconscious for. As your eyelids fluttered open, they adjusted to the light in the room. Looking around you first notice the wires attached to you, meaning you were in the hospital, lifting your eyes to the corner of the room. You saw your brother consoling your mother who was crying and your father was talking to the doctor.

As you laid there, you felt something missing; it wasn't blood or energy, it was a presence. It was someone.


You remember seeing him last, just before it happened...

"Harry", you croaked due to the dryness in your throat, it came out more of a whisper, your mother immediately rushed to your side.

"Oh honey...," She sobbed as she caressed your face.

"What happened? A-and where's Harry?" You begin to panic as you look around the room. "Honey you were in a accident, a drunk driver crashed into your car." No matter how much your father tried to sugar coat it, it still sounded painful.

The thought of losing Harry immediately clouded your thoughts. Tears brimming in your eyes, "A-and Harry?" You stutter. You didn't care about your self or your condition, you only wanted to know if he was okay.

"Y/n, he's fine. Just a few scratches, but he's fine" your mom reassured.

"And where is he?"

"He's at the police station."

"Y/m/n, can I talk to you," your dad interrupted and took your mom out in the hallway.

"So how's college?" You ask your brother trying to normalize the situation.

"It's okay" he shrugged, as the awkward silence filled the room.

On the other hand, Harry was sitting in his room weeping, everything that happened in the last couple of hours he blamed it on himself. Nikki entered his room only to see him sitting on the edge of his bed, head in his hands. She walked up to him and sat beside him, it broke her heart to see her son in this state.

"I-Its all my fault," he cried, "if I hadn't-"

"Its not your fault", she consoled, "right now, I need you to stay strong for Y/n."

Compared to you, Harry had just a few scratches. He couldn't see you thinking that you too would blame him, which was not true. The ringing of his phone ripped him out of his thoughts, wiping away his tears she sees the caller ID. Your dad.

"H-hello Mr. Y/l/n?" He sniffled, "How's Y/n?" He asked trying to hold back his tears.

"Umm, she just got out of operation, and t-the doctors said..."

"What did they say?"

"They said that-" Harry could hear your dad breaking down, which didn't relive him, "that she's a tumor and..."

Harry began to freak out, "And what?"

"And they said s-she's has only 3 days"

It took time for Harry to process what he had just heard, he couldn't believe it. Your dad requested him to be there for you, saying that you don't blame him. He cried out to such injustice as Nikki failed to calm him. Where as when you heard the news you took it in your stride, saying that it was fate.

In those two days, your family didn't leave your side, even your friends couldn't hold back their tears. It left everyone in awe of how you were handling the situation, ever since you got the news you have been smiling and behaving like it was just another day. Even though you were smiling on the outside, deep down you were devastated because Harry wasn't by your side.

It wasn't that Harry didn't want to be there for you; it's just that he was still beating himself up, saying that it was his fault you were not going to make it.

Part 2 will be posted soon :)

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