Call you mine H.O ♡︎

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a/n: (Requested) Hey could you write one for Harrison where he really like y/a but they haven't admited there feelings for each other so one of the boys (maybe Tom or Harry) act flirting with her and gets Harrison jealous to finally admit his feelings ??

The way Harrison held the glass of pint, it should have cracked by now but surprisingly it didn't. You, along with Tom and Harry shared a booth in the club, with them sitting at your sides and chatting you up, it was a casual conversation but it made Harrison's blood boil at the sight that he wasn't next to you. "Hey, Haz could you be dear and get me some fries?" You beamed at him, snapping him out of his glare; he got up voluntarily and you turned to the boys, "Okay so here's the plan." You announced, catching their attention, "You guys try to flirt with me so Harrison might confess his feelings."

"Are you sure y/n?" Harry asked unsure of your plan.

"Why?" You furrowed your brows. "Well because we've tried this before, many times, what makes you think this time will be different?" He answered.

"Okay," You sighed, "Just this last time please? I know He's taking his own sweet time but I have a feeling this one might be it."

"Well then we better start because he's coming," Tom said subtly, "Quick, pretend I said something funny and laugh." The minute he gave you the instruction you thought of the funniest thing that could come to mind and threw your head back letting out a hearty laugh and placing your hand on his. Seeing this unfold, Harrison kept the plate of fries in front of you and felt a pang of jealousy in his chest, he was the one to always make you laugh.

A few minutes go by and Tom, Harry and you were on the dance floor, dancing really close to each other as Harrison sat in the booth and just saw how Tom's hands were on your waist and one of your hands on Harry's shoulder, swaying your hips to this beat.

And finally when Harrison had enough of everything he fought through the crowd of sweaty dancers and came up to you, "Hazzy come dance!" You yelled over the music.

"No, we're leaving." He whispered in your ears, caught your are and dragged you out as the music drained you spoke up, "Haz what the hell?"

"Why were you dancing like that with them?" He asked on the verge of anger.

'It worked' You thought to yourself, "Like what?"

"Like t-that with Tom and Harry!"

"So what? Why does it bother you?" You laughed.

"Because!" He said exasperated, and you knew he was almost close to confessing.

"Because what?"

"Becauseilikeyou." He mumbled the last part, scared of how you would react, but instead you chuckled, grabbed him by his collar and crashed your lips on his. As they molded perfectly your hands went around his neck and played with blond hair and his placed firmly on your hips, giving it a squeeze, deepening the kiss. You pulled away as your lungs ran out of air which made Harrison whine as he now felt the cold air instead of your warm lips.

"That was-"

"About damn time." You completed his sentence.

"So," he trailed off, "can I call you mine?" He grinned, looking deep into your eyes.

"Thought you'd never ask." You laughed and pulled him in for another kiss when you were cut off by the cheers of Tom and Harry.

"Fucking finally!" Tom exclaimed as Harrison blushed and nuzzled his reddened cheeks in you neck, tightening his grip around you not wanting to let go of you anytime soon.  

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