Dream H.H

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The waiting and longing is what kept Harry going through this press tour. As much as he loved traveling around the world with his brother, he hated being apart from, his best friend and hopefully soon enough girlfriend.

As if everyone didn't already know Harry's undying love for you, he couldn't get himself to confess to you, but now he was sure he would. Just two days before the press tour was over he called you up to let you know that he'd be back home soon. There was this unspoken thing between you whenever he called, which was you always had to say hello first. You found it ridiculous but Harry wouldn't admit that he wanted to hear your voice because he craved to hear it. "Hey Harry!" You exclaimed through the phone, "When are you getting back? I miss you so much!"

"Two more days, love." He said, grinning ear to ear.

"Well hurry up! I have so much to tell you."

"Me too." He said, remembering his confession, after hours of you rambling about something you finally bid your goodbyes. As his heavy head hit the pillow he started dreaming and imagining what it would feel like if you were beside him or just in his arms as your laughter and giggles rang through his ears, feeling nostalgic. In his time apart from you he kept thinking of the future with you and how beautiful it would be.

The whole flight back Harry was more excited than nervous to see you, you would have picked him up at the airport but you had planned a 'welcome back' party for him and Tom in a pub. Leaving his bags at Tom's apartment he made his way to the pub, the minute he entered he saw you in a black sequin dress. He started beating faster as Tom encouraged him to go for it. But in a split second his heart dropped and broke into a million pieces, he saw a strange man's arms around your waist, making out with you.

He froze in his place, he couldn't move neither comprehend what was going on and didn't even realize when you came up to him and engulfed him in a hug, "Harry! I'm so happy to see you!"

"Yeah it's good to see you too." He said with a sad smile.

"Okay, I want you to meet someone," you said, pulling the siad man closer to you, "This is Kevin, my boyfriend." Harry could feel a pang of jealousy and emptiness inside him as he shook his hands with Kevin. The whole night as you had the time of your life, Harry sat in a corner, downing beer after beer, thinking maybe everything felt better when it was a dream. 

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