Date night H.O ♡︎

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You never thought you could ever feel what love is until you met Harrison. He was the light in your darkness, your knight in shining armor, the only thing about feeling this way was he didn't know about it and you didn't want to ruin what you already had. 

Living with Harrison never had a dull moment, you loved every moment, how every time he laughed, his laugh lines would appear and you'd unconsciously have a similar smile on your face. And just like the past few months it was your turn to make dinner, the only thing you were quite proud of was, how much of a better cook you were than him. Harrison would agree saying that he'd take your food over anything any day. 

After a lot of debating you decided to make spaghetti and meatballs for dinner, Harrison's favourite. You stood stirring the red sauce while the noodles boiled, when the aroma pulled Harrison in the kitchen, "Ooh, what are we making today?" He asked hovering over you, inhaling the lovely aroma. 

"Well, I am making spaghetti and meatballs." You chuckled. 

"My favourite!" He exclaimed, and placing his hands on your hips and looking at everything you were doing. Yes, your heart was doing somersaults but Harrison always touched you like this like it meant nothing. "Get out of my kitchen!" You joked. 

"Hey don't quote Harry Styles at me!" He laughed and leaned against the kitchen counter beside you, "And it's 'our' kitchen by the way" He informed, reminding that you were roommates and nothing else. Few minutes go by, when you were tasting the sauce suddenly the lights went off making you and your roommate groan together. "Looks like there's a blackout all over." Harrison sighed and walked over to you. "Well now what?" You asked.

"I guess we wait?" He shrugged. You couldn't see each other that well, but you could see his dark figure. Hopping over the kitchen island you waited till the lights would come on. "Say, y/n," you hummed, "we've been living together for quite some time now, and I've never seen you go on a date, how come?" 

How on earth were you supposed to tell your crush the reason your dating life is non-existent is because you're in love with him?  

 "Oh, you know, never had anyone ask me out." You lied. 

"You're joking right?" Harrison asked,"Don't you have a crush on anyone?" 

"Maybe." You smiled. 

"Its pitch black in here and I can see you're blushing." Harrison teased. 

"But it's never gonna happen so there's no point." You shook your head 

 "Hop off and go get dressed, I'm taking you out." He ordered. 

"W-what?" You asked dumbfounded, was this actually happening? "But the blackout?" You argued. 

"I will take care of that, just put on your best dress and come, trust me!" He shoved you in your room. Minutes later you came out of your room and entered the kitchen, only to be blown away by what Harrison had prepared. "Ta da!" Harrison pointed to the various candles all over the kitchen, which looked absolutely romantic. 

"I wanted to make your first date special." He took your hand and bought you to the dining table where he had set two plates of the dinner you had made. "Harrison, this is all so lovely, thank you!" You exclaimed and wrapped your arms around him, engulfing him in a tight hug. When you pulled away you were so close to his face and it was itching you to know what those soft lips of his tasted like. "C-can I kiss you?" Harrison whispered, and you closed the gap by placing your lips on his. It was everything you ever dreamed the kiss would be, "You know, you're supposed to kiss after the date right?" You joked, as Harrison shook his head and once again placed his lips on yours, making you feel on cloud 9

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