Lash out H.O ♡︎

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a/n: For Harrison where the reader and him have been dating but he's been a bit busy with shootings and such and didn't notice that she was overworking herself at work and snaps at him idk something that ends up cute and fluffy

It had been 2 months since Harrison had gone for shooting, but when he came back home he didn't get welcome he expected. He wanted you to run and jump in his arms as soon as you saw him but instead he saw you in your study surrounded with papers, and yelling at someone over the phone. You threw your phone in frustration and then realized that your boyfriend standing near the door with an apologetic smile. Sighing you maneuvered your way through the papers and just engulfed him in a tight hug, squeezing him with all your might, "I missed you so much." You whispered in his ears, which sent shivers down his spine.

Pulling away he placed his soft lips on your dried chapped ones, giving a long awaited kiss. "Hey, how about you take a break we could go out for sometime, yeah?" As much as you wanted to you couldn't, today was one of the biggest day for your company and you couldn't just leave your clients, and to be honest you'd even forgotten that Harrison was supposed to be back today.

"Haz, I'm really sorry, but I can't," you began to apologize,"today is a really important day for the company, I just can't..." you trail off.

"Y/n, please it's just one day, and I'm home after so long, don't you wanna spend time with me?"

"I do, I really do, but I just need a few more hours." You tried to reason, but Harrison wanted you. Now. And he couldn't hold in his anger. "You know," he scoffed,"sometimes I think you love your job more than me." This pierced your heart.

"That's not true!" You raised your voice, defending yourself, "At least I'm not the one leaving you for months together! Do you even know how hard it has been for me?" You snapped at him. "I haven't slept for 2 days straight, I'm putting in extra time in just so I could get some time off for us!"

"You're right, I don't get it." The blonde stated blankly as he headed out the door, making you feel more miserable than you already were. You were so frustrated that you didn't expect to take it all out on him, and you didn't mean any of it; it was just frustration built up inside of you.

Now it was around 5 am when Harrison came back to the apartment, of course you waited up for him, the guilt didn't allow you to close your eyes. When he entered the apartment he saw you sitting on the couch trying to keep your eyes open. Right now you were looking like shit, bags under your eyes, lips chapped and hair a frizzy mess, but even with the anger in him, he found you cute.

"Harrison," you croak out, your mouth was so dry you didn't remember the last time you had a glass of water. Harrison immediately brought you a glass of water, and as it slipped down your throat, you felt a bit better. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have removed my frustration at you-"

"Love no, I should have see your point of view and how much you had been stressing yourself. It's my fault, I should have been there for you, and you shouldn't have waited up for me, " he cut you off, "and from now on I promise I'll be there for you okay?" You nodded as tears rolled down your cheeks, Harrison pulling you in chest. "How about we go to sleep now, and deal with this morning?" He looked down waiting for you response but you were already asleep; chuckling at how adorable you were he carefully laid down over the couch as you cuddled into his warmth.

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