Best friends ♡︎

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a/n: (Requested)Hey could you write one where y/a is just best friends with the Holland's and Harrison and when someone breaks her heart they help her get through it 💕

Warnings: language and tooth rotting fluff!

As warm tears and mascara streamed down your cheeks, you knocked on your best friends' door. The minute Tom saw the black tears on your cheeks his face immediately dropped in fear, "Y/n, wha- what happened?"

"He dumped me." You sniffled.

"He did what?!" Harrison chimed in from behind as Tom let you in, all the commotion brought the rest of the boys out of the room, "What's going on?" Tuwaine asked.

"That asshole dumped her!" Harrison bellowed, while Tom clenched his fist in anger and earned an angry 'what?' from the lads, you just sat there trying to process the event of the last few hours. Suddenly Tom left the room and headed out the door, "Tom where are you going?" You called back.

"Going to teach him a lesson!" He growled, "Tom no!" You stopped his tracks, "Please it's not worth it." you squeaked as a single tear rolled down your cheek which relaxed his clenched demeanor and engulfed you in a hug; the rest of the boys too joined in the hug. The warmth and homey feel they gave really comforted you, "Now how about we have a movie night and drown our sorrows with ice cream?" Sam chuckled. "I'll just freshen up." You gave a small smile and went on to take a shower while the boys prepped everything in the living room.

As you were showering you heard a faint knock, "Uh, Y/n?" Tuwaine asked, "I just did the laundry today and I was wondering if you would like to borrow my hoodies? I've left them on our bed." He smiled. After a somewhat relaxing shower and slipping on Tuwaine's hoodie, you made your way down and was greeted by a little surprise, a small fort they tried to build really brightened up your spirits. Seeing you awe struck they yelled out a collective 'surprise' making you giggle. And after minutes of arguing which movie to put they finally decided on mean girls as all of them cuddled over one and other; the twins near your feet and Tom and Harrison had their arms wrapped around your shoulders and Tuwaine just made sure everyone had enough junk food. This feeling of your friends really made you feel better. 

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