Dance P.P

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Pairings: Peter Parker x reader

Summary: Your school dance gets cancelled due to the pandemic, Peter tries to make it up to you.

Here you were on the day of your junior prom eating ice cream in your sweats binging some show trying to get your mind off it. If it wasn't for the pandemic you would have been getting all glamed up.

But here you were. Wallowing away your sadness with ice cream. Suddenly your hear the door bell ring. 'who the hell is come now?' you thought to yourself cursing whoever was disturbing your midday breakdown.

"Honey, it's for you!" Your mom yelled. You come down trying to fix your messy hair. Who were you trying to impress? As you reach the door you Peter standing there with a mask and hiding something behind him. Even with the mask on you could see him blush.

"Peter what are you doing here?" You ask, worried; making way for him to come in.

"I'll leave you two be" your mom smiled.

Pulling his mask down Peter began, "Well I wanted to ask you something and I was gonna text you but then Mr. Stark said it'd be better if I did it in person."

"What is it Peter?" He didn't say anything he simply pulled out the piece of cardboard behind him and a bouquet of flowers, both in each hand. It read,

If Covid-19 can't take you out for a dance can I?

You immediately gasp, and throw yourself at Peter, hugging him tightly as tears of joy ran down your cheeks.

"Should I take that as a yes?" He whispered in your hair sending chills down your spine. Sniffling you nod your head, "Yes I would love to."

But as you remembered that you don't have a dress your smile turn into a frown, which made Peter worry. "What's wrong?" He asked softly placing his hand on your shoulder

"Nothing, it's just that I- I realised that I don't have a dress" you said looking at your feet.

"Oh.." he whispered in disappointment, just than your mom came in with a white dress bag in her hand. "I think I can fix that"

You turn around confusingly, "Mom when did you get this?" You walk up to her scanning the bag.

"Peter called me weeks ago" she looked over at a now grinning Peter, giving a hopeful smile.

"Wait you knew?" Your mom nodded.

"Okay" Peter clapped his hands together, "so now that you have your dress, I suggest you start getting ready and I'll pick up say.... at 5?"

"Okay!" You exclaimed giving him one more hug before he left.

As soon as the front door closed you rushed to your room and started to get ready.

2 hours later Peter showed up just in time. He was wearing a maroon red suit with black loafers (very Mr. Stark), glasses which made him look adorable. Although he didn't need the glasses he said that it made a fashion statement. Meanwhile you wore an off white gown contrasting with Peter's suit with a sweetheart neckline, black Louboutin pumps and a matching clutch purse.

As you walked towards him you could see his eyes go wide in awe. "Wo-wow, you look amazing!" He said making your cheeks go red.

"Thanks, you look really handsome too" you admitted sheepishly. "Time for photos!" You mom exclaimed. Half an hour later your mom was still taking pictures and you could tell Peter was getting a little agitated he really wants to spend time with you but your mom just won't get it.

"Mom! I think 50 photos are more than enough" you started whining, earning a chuckle from Peter. As you were heading out you hugged your parents one last time before they got more sentimental that their little y/n is all grown up. Walking out you saw Happy waiting for the two. Peter increase his pace a little so he could open the door for you. What a gentleman! As you get in you greet Happy and earn some more compliments from him.

"So where are we going?" You ask him with excitement in your eyes.

"Oh.. um it's a surprise!" The drive was quite, Happy had kept the radio on and kept looking at Peter through the review mirror signalling him to make a move. He gulped as he subtly scooted over closer to you and as your hand brushed he wrapped his pinky around yours. He was looking at the buildings go by but you could tell he was grinning ear to ear, proud of the small gesture he made. You too were happy that he finally made a move, albeit a small one but its the thought that counts right?

15 minutes later Happy pulled over in front of a park. Peter got out and rushed over to open the door for you holding out his hand to help you get out. "Here put this on" he muttered through his mask, handing you a blindfolded. Putting it on willing, he then grabbed your hand in his soft ones. "You can take it off now" he whispered in your ears sending chills down your spine once again.

Taking it off you saw the most beautiful scene you've ever seen in your life. A tree covered with fairy lights and a few dance themed decorations and a table for two.

"Peter did you do all this?" You squealed.

"Yeah" he said rubbing the back of his neck, "d-do you like it?"

"Like it? Peter I love it! No one's ever done something like this for me before" you turn to him, "thank you" you say giving a small kiss on his cheek making his cheeks go tomato red.

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