Paper cuts and broken hearts H.O

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High school! AU

It was junior year of high school and things couldn't be better for you. You had great grades, amazing friends and a very loving boyfriend, Harrison. But your friends had always warned you about him and of course you ignored it, 'cause for you he was your knight in shining armor. Until one day he showed his true colors, by cheating on you, he said it was a drunken mistake, but why would you believe him now; so you called it quits with him. Unfortunately for you, the two of you had most of your classes together, it was your first break up and it took a toll on your life, you started loosing your friends and getting lower grades.

Two months later you got a hold of your previous self, although you didn't have any friends you started getting better grades and now your education was your priority, not some playboy who toyed with your heart. Now you were sitting in English class waiting for your teacher to assign your projects, the frail little teacher entered the classroom and started explaining how this project counted as half your grade. "For this you will be paired up, and the list is put up," she announced,"remember kids your deadline is the end of the week!"

Picking up your backpack you head over to check who you were stuck with for a week, only to see your worst nightmare. Why out of all the students did your teacher pair you up with Harrison, your groaning was interrupted by a very familiar voice, "Hello love!"

You gave him a weird look as you let the nickname slip off his tongue, "You don't need to call me that anymore, we're not dating."

"Yeah, but it won't be long until you come back, they all do." He said giving a smug smile.

"Well I'm not 'them' and I won't be making the same mistake again," you informed, "I'm doing this for my grade, that's it!"

"We'll see about that."

You felt your blood boil at his words, the audacity he had to think that you would get back with him? "Meet me in the library after school and we can start on the project."

"Okay darling."

"You still don't have any right to call me by any nickname, or even my name, from now on I'm Miss Y/l/n for you!" You said sternly, walking away to your next class.


The minute the school bell rings you made your way to the library, you had no hope that Harrison would show up, but you were secretly wishing that he wouldn't. But surprisingly he did, and that too entered the library the same time as you. Not uttering a single word you made your way to a secluded area of the library, Harrison following suit.

Scattering all your books and other stationary, you looked up to see Harrison sheepishly unfolding a piece of paper and placing it on the table earning an eye roll and a scoff from you. Sitting in silence you went over what you had just written over and over again, turning the pages you felt the tip of your finger burn, "Ouch! Paper-cut, you have to take me to the hospital!" You winced in pain.

"You can't even see it." He laughed.

"Well, you can't see a broken heart either but it still hurts!" You snapped at him. He immediately began gathering your things and shoved them in your bag as he led you to his car. The drive to the hospital was surprisingly quick, as you waited for the doctor, the nurse came in and saw the two of you, "Aww look at you two young love birds, the doctor will see you in a minute!"

"No, no we're not-" you tried to correct her but she walked away. After the doctor wrapped your finger, you were left in the room alone with Harrison when he spoke up, "Listen Y/n-"

"Miss Y/l/n." You corrected him.

"I'm really sorry for what I did, and I shouldn't have done what I did, but you're the best thing that has happened to me and I don't want to lose you."

"Yeah, you should definitely be sorry, but no matter how much you apologize, we are never getting back together." You told him, resulting him to chuckle.

"I still remember how you quote Taylor Swift when you're angry."

"So what? Just because you remember little details about I'm supposed to slither back to you?"

"And Harry Potter too." He laughed.

"You think all of this is a joke? I let you break my heart once, I won't let you do it again."

"Y/n come on, it was in the past just let it go." Harrison begged, but he couldn't persuade you.

"Exactly! It's in the past and I am letting it go, so let's just finish this damn project so that I can graduate and never see your face again." You barked at him exiting the hospital, making Harrison guilty of everything he had done and you feel finally free.  

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