Mon amour H.O

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a/n: Just a smol blurb before I go on a short break! 

Warnings: suggestive themes, terrible execution of me writing in french and spanish.   

After spending another satisfying night of being tangled in the sheet with your boyfriend, you managed to wake up before him to surprise him with breakfast in bed. You were wearing Harrison's shirt that was discarded on the floor, which barely reached your thighs. This also happened to be a favourite sight for Harrison, among others.  

The blonde lazily rubbed his eye and walked to you, wrapping his arms around you and placing soft kisses on your exposed neck and shoulder. "Bonjour mon amour." He rasped, his lips near the shell of your ear, sending chills down your spine. It was really a blessing and a curse for Harrison to know each and everything that turned you on, it made you happy nonetheless. 

His hands slowly crept under your shirt resulting you to melt into his warm touch, "Since when do you speak french?" You hummed, "Not that I mind." He chuckled in your ear. 

"Since I discovered google translate." He turned you around so that you were now facing him, his face immediately lighting up. Propping you up on the counter he stood between your legs and kissed you like there was no tomorrow, your hands going around his neck and toying with his hair.  You pulled away giggling at how adorable and clingy he was in the morning and seeing his satisfied smile, "Breakfast?" 

"Si!" He quipped excitedly. 

"That's spanish you div!" You chuckled. 

"What is 'yes' in french?" 

"Oui." You answered confidently. 

"Well, how about we," he pointed between the both of you, "have some breakfast in bed?" He smirked suggestively.

"Great lemme just get some plates-" He stopped you before you got off,  "What? I thought you were hungry?" 

"I am, but..." He trailed off and raised his eyebrows hoping for you to get what he was actually implying and then giving a small nod towards the bed room, that's when the realization hit you. 

"Oh," you smiled, "then what are we waiting for mon amour?" You purred in his ear making him flustered, without sparing another minute he picked you off the counter and made your way to the bed room. 

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