No pain, no gain H.O

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The boys were sitting in the living room, doing their own thing when they heard a scream from upstairs. Your boyfriend, Harrison along with the Holland brothers rushed up to you, to see what was wrong.

"Wha-, what happened?" Harrison barged in with the book he was reading, holding it as a weapon.

"Nothing," you winced, throwing away the used wax strip, "I just pulled it a little harder than I was supposed to."

"Oh, so it's not that much of a big deal?" Tom shrugged while you and Harrison gave him a 'really?' look. "What? I'm sure it's not that painful."

"Oh no, don't go there." Harrison mumbled, while you scoffed, "You don't think it's painful?" you asked in a mocking tone.

"I mean yeah."

"Don't do it Tom!" Harrison warned.

"Don't be such a wuss Haz." Tom said confidently, but what he didn't know was while your boyfriend was trying to save his best friend, you launched up from your position, took an unused strip and slapped it on Tom's leg hair.

"Y/n, what are you doing?" Tom asked confusingly.

"Proving my point!" You let your anger take over you and ripped the strip off quickly as he let out a high pitched scream.

"See, it doesn't hurt a bit." You said and gave an innocent smile, while everything was being unfolded Harrison was shocked to his core to see this side of you and what neither of knew was that Harry had been live  streaming the whole thing.

Later that evening during dinner Tom was moping over the loss of a little (lot) leg hair, which annoyed you even more, "It's just a little leg hair Tom, get over it!" You groaned, which silenced everyone in the room. After dinner you found yourself wrapped in Harrison's arms while he whispered sweet nothing in your ear. "You're a badass you know that?" His soft voice rang through your ears.

"I know." You chuckled.

"And now I also know never to get on your bad side."

"Aww, Haz you don't have to be scared of me," you cooed, "but if you do, just remember that I'll chase you with my epilator." You said in a non threatening way as you pecked his lips.

"What?" He asked, face covered with panic.

"I'm kidding, I love you too much to hurt you."

"I love you more." He smiled and pecked your lips. 

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