Me? H.O

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Summary: You see Harrison and Tom in a pub, but you recognise Harrison as an actor and model but not Tom.


"Hurry up, mate we're gonna be late!" Tom yelled from the front door as Harrison checked his outfit one last time in the mirror. "Coming" he yelled back.

"What took you so long-" he looked at Harrison from head to toe silently judging his outfit choice, "and who are you trying to impress? It's just the guys tonight."

"No one, just felt like dressing up a bit" he shrugged, heading out to the car where Harry, Sam and Tuwaine were already waiting for them. They get in and head out to their local pub.

Meanwhile on the other hand you were in you pajamas planning on starting a Harry Potter marathon, when you front door flew open revealing your best friend in short black dress which rode on her thighs barely reaching her knees.

"Get up, get dressed,we'er going out." she said making her way to the couch where you sat. "And I'm not accepting any excuses, you have to come. I've a really bad day and i just want to get drunk" she ordered, more like threatened you. Without sparing a single second you made your way to your room and started getting ready. Of course you could have said no, but you know how hard her job has been and how crappy her boss is lately.

20 minutes later you come out of your room wearing a navy blue dress with nude heels, light make-up and hair tied in a loose bun

20 minutes later you come out of your room wearing a navy blue dress with nude heels, light make-up and hair tied in a loose bun

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You and best friend head out to a pub just few blocks away from your flat. As soon as you enter you see people dancing and drinking the usual. You head on over to the bar and order a beer for you and a mojito for your friend.

After downing a few drinks you found yourself and your friend dancing to whatever the dj was playing. As you let loose and danced your heart out a boy, somewhat your age with dirty blond hair and striking red jacket caught your eyes. At first you couldn't believe it. 'No it can't be' you thought to your self. You turned to your friend, "Hey y/f/n, I think Harrison is here"She looked around to find the said boy and found the blonde you've been obsessing over for the past year.

"You should go talk to him" she said taking a shot. "Really? Should I?" you asked.

"Uh, yeah, girl you been in love with him for what? A year now? And now this opportunity has just fallen into your lap i don't let it go"

"I'll be fine, just go talk to him" she reassured you.

As you made your way to the booth where he sat you felt heart race and palms sweat because of your nervousness.

Harrison was laughing and having a great time when Harry interrupted, "Hey, Tom looks like a fan is coming your way". All five boys turned their head towards you making you a little self conscious. Your eyes landed straight to the blonde who gave you a half smile.

"Hi, sorry love I would love to give you an autograph but it's my day off and I'd really like some privacy" he interjected before you could even open your mouth so say hi.

"I'm sorry I don't know who you are" you said sheepishly, making the rest of the boys burst in laughter. You turn to Harrison and with a sudden burst of confidence you point at him saying, "You, however I'm a big fan of" Now all of them gave each other and you a confused look.

"Me?" He asked. "Yeah, I loved your performance on Catch-22 and let me just say no one can work the runway like you do!" You said confidently.

"Wow, I'm so honoured, no one has ever said anything like this is to me before. Thank you so much love" His cheeks were now red.

"Are you kidding me?" Tom's little yell caught everyone's attention. "You really don't know who I am" he said feeling a little offended.

"No, I have no idea who you are" you said making the boys burst into another round of laughter.

"But I'm spiderman!" He started whining now.

"Sorry but I like Batman more" this sentence made Harrison whip his head in your direction giving you a wide smile.

"Mate she perfect for you!" Harry whispered in Harrison's ear, making him blush more.

"Hey, how about we got to another booth and talk peacefully without these divs?" He asked getting up, leading you towards an empty booth.

You spent the rest of the night talking and laughing. You ended up getting his number and a date with him on Saturday.

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