Taste Testing H.H

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You and you boyfriend of 5 months, Harry were just laying on the couch, just enjoying each other's company. His arms wrapped around you in a protective way, legs intertwined everything felt so perfect.

Suddenly your stomach started to growl."Hungry?" Harry chuckled, looking down at you. You nodded. "Wanna bake some cookies?" He asked sitting up.

"Sounds great" you smile. He grabbed your hand and lead you to the kitchen. Harry didn't want you to lift a finger. He said that all you had to do was sit there and be pretty while he did everything. You didn't mind doing what your boyfriend wanted but you were a little worried since he had a reputation of almost burning the house down.

But this time was different. He managed to do everything correctly and didn't even come close to burning anything.

As soon as he put the tray in the oven he grabbed his phone and connected it to the speaker and started to play your favourite songs. Like a reflex action you got up and wrapped your arms around his neck while his around your waist. As you swayed to the music playing in the background, your foreheads pressed together, humming to the tune.

The timer for the cookies went of and Harry rushed to get them out, he didn't want to burn them like last time. After the cookies cooled down a bit you take a bite, this cookie that was in your mouth right now was the best cookie you've ever had.

"Oh my gosh, Harry is this the the best cookie I've ever had!" You exclaimed.

"Really? Lemme taste!" Instead of taking a cookie off the tray he bent down and leaned in and pecked your lips. "Mmm it's does taste good!" He hummed.

"If this is how you're gonna taste test, I think I will have to cook often" you suggested.

"Fine by me darling!" He said before leaning in and giving another kiss.

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