Icy cold H.O ♡︎

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Hate would be an understatement to say considering your relationship with Harrison Osterfield. You had no idea how, when and why it happened but you always despised the thought of being anywhere near him. And of course Tom knew about it but he couldn't bear to see two of best friends to be against each other. And of course he had the most stupid way of solving this was, making you and Harrison share a room while on tour.

"What?! No! There is absolutely no way we're," you pointed between you and the similarly confused blonde, "sharing one room!" You whisper-yelled in the hotel lobby.

"Sorry Y/n, but I can't help it, I have my entourage with me and Harry needs a separate room because apparently none of us are allowed anywhere near his cameras, and there are no more rooms available, I'm really sorry Y/n." Tom gave an apologetic smile.

"Fine! But there better be two bed or its your funeral!" You threatened and walked away, Harrison following suit. As soon as you left Harry came and stood beside his grinning brother, "There's only one bed isn't there?" He asked.

"Yup!" Tom answered proudly.

"Good luck." Harry pat his brothers shoulder and went to his room.

The minute you went to your room you ran to the bedroom, only to see your worst nightmare come true. "NO!" you groaned.

"I call dibs!" Harrison yelled and jumped on the bed, laughing like a child.

"Gosh, you're practically a five year old."

"Live a little Y/n." You gave an eye roll, reaching for your suitcase. "Move." You motioned him to give you space, which he did. You were unpacking your things, making sure your things were ready for the next day when Harrison broke the silence, "I mean, I get why you wouldn't want to share a bed with me." You cocked your eyebrow motioning him to continue. "I am pretty irresistible." He smirked and pointed at his fit body.

"You wish, Osterfield." You laughed and continued to unpack.

"And hey, you know its absolutely fine if you can't keep your hands to yourself."

"Okay." You mocked him and rolled your eyes. Time passed away quickly and now the two of you were currently getting ready for bed. "Just stay on your side of the bed okay?" Harrison said, as he was getting under the white sheets. It did feel like hours but it was quite some time since you switched off the lights and tried to get some shut eye, but since you were on the far ends on the bed the covers we're sufficient enough to keep the both of you warm. And you could tell that Harrison was restless as well the the amount of time he was shuffling around.

"If you steal the blankets, I am going to put my cold feet on you." You threatened him, but in response he crawled close to you and draped his hand over your waist as your back felt his bare chest, which made your breath hitch, his breath tickling your neck, "What happened to staying on your side of the bed?" You asked.

"Why isn't this better?" He mumbled against your skin.

Don't cave Y/n! Don't fall for it!

"Yes." You whispered.


"Good night, Y/n." Harrison hummed and buried his nose in the crook of your neck.  

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