The one where Tom finds out H.O

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Warnings: mentions of sex, typos

Secret. That was one way to describe your relationship with Harrison. It all started as casual flirting and mutual pining which led to having a six month relationship which no one knew about, it was a bit fun at first the endless sneaking around and stolen kisses made the two of you realize that you couldn't live without each other.

It was just another day when you and Harrison were care free, cuddling on the couch thinking you had the whole house to your selves. "This is so nice," You hummed contently as you snuggled in his chest, "I wish we could stay like this forever."

"I wish for that too darling." Your boyfriend agreed, stoking your hair, "I'm scared of how Tom would react to us dating but we will tell him soon okay?" He said kissing your temple.

Suddenly your loving moment was interrupted by the sound of the door being slammed, startling the both of you and resulting you to fall on the floor. "Nope, it's not here." You exclaimed as you saw Tom approaching the two of you. "Oh darn it." Harrison played along.

"Hey Tom." you greeted him.

"What are you two doing?" Tom asked.

"I was just searching for..."

"Her scarf, she was searching for her scarf." Harrison finished your sentence, Tom eyed you suspiciously. "How about we go search your room?" He suggested, you nodded and made an bee line to your room. Before Harrison could follow you Tom called him back, "Mate I was thinking it's been an awful lot time since you've dated ya know so I got you a date for you tonight." He said shoving a piece of paper in Harrison's hand. "I'm not really interested right now, but I'll let you know if I do thanks bro." The blond replied and bolted to your room.

"What took you so long?" You whisper-yelled as Harrison entered your room.

"Sorry Tom was trying to set me up with someone." Harrison shrugged and walked up to you and wrapped his arms around you, "but I told him I wasn't interested."

"Harrison what are you doing? Tom could walk in anytime." You warned him trying to get out of his grip but he didn't budge.

"I don't care, I love you and I want to hold you and kiss you whenever I want. I'm not scared of anyone it's you and me against the world baby." He smiled and kissed you lovingly making you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer, the two of you being in the moment with each other.

"Hey Haz I need that- What the hell! Get off my sister!" Tom walked in and pulled your lover away from you.

"Tom stop!" You begged as he fisted Harrison's collar.

"I thought you were best friend! How could you do this to my sister?" The brunette raged, ready to throw a punch. You separated the two of them and stood in between them, "Stop okay! We aren't fooling around, I really love him and he makes me so happy the last thing I need is for you not to be in favor of us." You held on to Tom's hand as you spoke, "Please."

"It's true Tom I love her." Harrison said, backing you up.

"I'm just messing with you guys!" Tom laughed and hugged the two of you catching you off guard. "I've known for sometime now."

"What? How?"

"You guys aren't the best secret keepers, but I'm so happy for you guys."

"You are?" You and Harrison said in unison, he nodded.

"I really thought you'd be mad because I was having sex with your sister." Harrison laughed as your eyes widened with fear, Tom having a similar expression as you.

"What?" Tom asked calmly. The minute Harrison reassessed his words he realized what he said, "I'll see you tomorrow love." Harrison said pecking your cheek and dashing out the door, Tom following suit. 

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