Almost T.H

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Warnings: Really sad.

It was one of the biggest days for you and Tom, it was the day you two were going to vow to spend your lives with each other, forever. Ever since you were a little girl you've always dreamed of having a perfect wedding, but as time went on, you wanted to find the perfect. And that was fulfilled thanks to Tom.

Being excited was an understatement, you couldn't wait to be with Tom. Just as you were about the leave the bridal suite and head to the church, your phone rang and it was none other than your fiance. Chuckling, you pick up your phone, "Hey."

"Hey, I really can't wait to see you!"

"Tom, I was just about to leave, I'll be there soon." You sigh at his impatience.

"Well then hurry up and come on!"

"I'll see you soon, bye."

"Bye." As soon as the doors opened and Tom saw you in your dress, looking beautiful as ever, he was in absolute awe and even cried a bit. Your father gave you a quick hug before handing you over to Tom.


"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." The priest said, making it official. Tom couldn't wipe his smile off his face, he carefully placed his palm on your cheek but as he was getting closer and closer, he started to sweat and a blaring sound kept playing in the background.

Waking up, with sweat on his forehead he turned to see the alarm ringing, he switched it off and turned to your empty side. It had been two years, since you had left him. You had just been announced husband and wife and were on your way to the reception when you came across an accident, which Tom somehow managed to survive. Tom's life was over before it had even begun, and life had never been the same.

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