Lunch date H.O

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Requested: y/n have a very busy and stressful day at work. And her boyfriend Haz knew if she have a busy day she won't eat anything... so he decided to make some food and go to her office and have a lunch together, even though he was a little scared that she wouldn't be happy...

The minute you entered the office you were swamped with work, no thanks to your boss and annoying colleagues. Even though you hated the work load, it was the adrenaline that kept you going. You were neck deep in your work when a ding from your phone caught your attention.


Hey, are we still on for tonight?

You've been dating Harrison for quite some time now and it has been absolutely amazing, he's the most caring and loving guy you had ever met and being with him was never a disappointment.


Got a lot of work today 🥺

You didn't have time to check if Harrison had replied as you got back to work. But Harrison knew you too well by now and he also knew that if you were busy with work you wouldn't have time to eat; so he decided to surprise you. Hours went by and almost all your colleagues had left you alone for lunch.

You were busy going over some file and flipping through the pages when you were interrupted. "Y/n?" Harrison said, coming over to you.

"Harrison, what are you doing here?" You asked him as you got up from your seat and engulfed him in a tight hug, he pulled away and pecked your lips, making your lips curve in goofy grin.

"I thought I'd come surprise you!" He said motioning the bag of in his hand, "Where's everyone?"

"Oh, they left for lunch."

"Without you?" His eyebrows furrowed in worry.

"It doesn't matter," you waved your hand, "you're here now and that's more important." You grinned as you tugged his free hand and lead him to one of the couches in the office. Lunch was never fun as you were always by yourself, but Harrison can lighten up your mood with only just his presence. You talked about what happened at work so far as Harrison agreed how crappy your boss was, a few laughs and giggles were exchanged until everyone started coming back to their work, signalling that you should too.

"Thank you so much for coming Haz, I'm feeling much better!" You said.

"Anything to make my girl happy," he placed a soft kiss on your forehead, "although I was a little scared."

"Aww, Haz you're always welcome to surprise me, you don't need to be scared." You laughed, and pecked his lips as he smiled into the kiss.

"You don't have to tell me twice," he winked, "I'll see you tonight love."

"See you tonight." 

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