Distraction H.O

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It's typical isn't? Falling for that guy in school who stole everyone's heart. That guy who managed to be perfect even without trying. You hated that guy because you thought you'd never have a chance with him. And it's that same guy who you never knew had also fallen for you.

His name was, Harrison Osterfield. The guy that stole your as well as every other girls heart. You'd be insane if you didn't think he was handsome, always making heads turn around whenever he walked into a room. But every one has flaws right? Even though he was attractive and smart, there was one thing you didn't like about him. One thing you wished you could change about him if you could. He was a player, he had almost slept with half of the girls at school.

You also wondered how can this kind of a guy get better grades than you? You had never been to a party and there was no party without him.


It was a typical Tuesday afternoon you decided to go to the library and get some homework done. You loved to study in the library it was better than studying at home with your annoying sibling.

You sat on an empty table and scattered all your books, papers and pens and began your study session. Math was never your cup of tea and would never be, it was ridiculous learning something you'd never use in the future much like history.

Half an hour later you were still stuck on the same problem. "Why can't you solve your own problems?" You whispered to the mess in front of you, head leaning on your hands.

"Trouble in paradise?" A familiar voice chuckled. Looking up you saw the last person you'd expect to see in a library. Harrison.

"Bite me" You scowled. "You're fiesty" he laughed, pulling a chair and sitting across from you.

"Funny seeing you here. You know there are no parties or pretty girls here right?" You informed, glancing at his beautiful ocean blue eyes.

"Who said there aren't any pretty girls? You're here" he said pointing at you.

"Yeah right" you rolled your eyes. "Even the librarian is prettier than me." Yes, she was 75, but she is still pretty.

"Ah, funny too" Harrison exclaimed. "What other talents are you hiding?" He squinted his eyes. He notices your struggle as you place you pen between your lips, trying to focus. Harrison thought you look really adorable as he chuckled at the beautiful girl sitting in front of him.

"Need some help?"

"I'm good thanks" you gave a soft smile, making his heart melt. "You can't fool me, I can clearly see you struggling" he chuckled raising an eyebrow.

"I'm fine, I don't need your help" you said flipping through pages of your notebook.

"How long have you been here?" He said looking around. Checking your watch, you whisper, "Half an hour." He immediately took your notebook and went through the pages, glancing over the spare papers lying around. He held his hand out motioning you to hand over the pen between your lips. As you handed it over your fingers brushed against his, making your heart beat fast and heat rush to your cheek. You tried to cover your tinted cheek subtly but fail.

"Ok, it's really simple" he said before explaining the question at hand. You simply couldn't concentrate, his soft voice filled your ears and you couldn't stop staring at his piercing blue eyes. When he finished explaining he noticed you staring into his.

"Are you paying attention or are you looking into my eyes?" He asked bringing you back to reality. You simply blush, and look down at your fingers sheepishly.

"It's getting late, I should get going" you said looking at the time realising how long it has been, began to collect your papers and books shoving them in your bag. "Thanks for all your help, I'm sorry if this caused you any inconveniences"

"Not at all" he said in his thick British accent, "It was my pleasure" he smirked. As you were about to head out, you felt a strong grip around your wrist. You turn around to see Harrison's soft hand over yours. "Hey, do you mind if I walk you home? It's dark out and a pretty girl like you shouldn't be alone" he said, voice full of concern.

"You don't have to" you hesitate.

"Please I insist."

Why on earth is the school's douche bag being so nice?

"Is this some kind of prank or something? Why are you being so nice to me?" You questioned him. Confused he replied, "Well, because it's like that saying, 'treat others like you wish to be treated' or something like that" he shook his head. "Oh.." that's all you said. Was he actually being nice?

As you were walking, you two talked about eachother. You found out that Harrison actually wanted to be a actor. He said he had never told anyone else before. Half way home the wind picked up which made you shiver and wrap your arms around yourself. Harrison sees your shivering body and wraps his arm around you and pulls you into his side, leaving you shocked.

"Well if I gave you my jacket I would be cold too" he smirked, looking down at you. You didn't reply, you simply just melted into his side feeling the warmth. As you reached home you bid your goodbyes and you immediately ran to your room. Closing the door, you leaned on it and remembered the events of the past few hours. You went to revise your work again, because clearly being with Harrison didn't help you. Flipping through the pages you notice a piece of paper sticking out the notebook. Pulling it out you see something written on it.

Incase you need a study buddy let me know xx
Your jaw dropped. Damn he's smooth. You decided to text him.


Hey, it's y/n

Hey, so I guess you got

my note?😅

Yes I did

And I'm guessing you

need a study buddy?


Ok so tomorrow meet me at
library after school?

Sounds good

See you tomorrow
then xx

See you tomorrow xx
Read 9:23

a/n: Hope you enjoyed this, please comment and vote! <3.

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