All for her majesty T.H

708 14 8

Word count: 1.5k

Commoner!tom AU

"I want to show you something"

Being born in a royal family had its pros and cons, mostly cons. Since the beginning of learning your fathers trade you hated it, the constant meeting of suitors and other people from other kingdoms. But the only thing you ever loved was knowing that your father trusted you, that you would be the best queen the kingdom will have, and he was completely on board with you not searching for love like most princesses.

It was just another normal day in the castle, the hustling and bustling of the servants preparing for another idiotic and self-obsessed prince. You had no choice but to conduct this meeting because your father was visiting another kingdom for official business, but as the future queen you had to do what's best for your kingdom and its people. The meeting began as usual with the two of you walking in the corridors of the massive castle and the prince trying to impress you with the number of battles he led, instead of talking about the actual matter at hand which was talking about the betterment of your two kingdoms.

"So as you can tell I led the tropes and to victory." He bragged as you rolled your eyes, and suddenly one of your servants came up asking if you needed anything at all, cutting off the boasting bastard. "Hello? Can't you see we're having a serious conversation?" He barked at her, making her flinch. The behavior enraged you, the servants at your palace were never treated as servants and certainly not with this rude behaviour. She began walking away when you called out to her, "Yes I do need something, can you please call the guards to escort the prince and his entourage out of the castle please?"

"Yes, your highness." She bowed and left, making the prince turn to you with rage written all over his face.

"Excuse me what do you think you're doing?" He asked. You took a deep breath before you could begin, "You can excuse yourself! You have no right to talk to her like that!"

"She's just a servant!" He cut you off.

"Maybe for you, but in this kingdom and in this castle everyone is treated equally, and because of your attitude I have decided to cut all ties with your kingdom." You informed sternly.

"My father will hear of this!" He huffed and left. "Yeah? I'll make sure of that!"


If your father was in the kingdom you'd never leave, but since he wasn't you took the opportunity to just wander around the market, talking with the people, making you beloved and respected. Even though you denied your mothers request of having the guards come with you she insisted, for your sake of your safety.

More than any place you always loved visiting the flower market, the various lilies and orchids seem to brighten up your mood, making you feel relaxed. Walking through a certain cart of neatly arranged flowers caught your attention, and you were greeted by a boy with brown curls who was about your age, and extremely handsome.

"Your majesty!" He bowed in respect as you caught him off guard, "How may I help you?"

"You can call me Y/n," You laughed, "and you're the florist, what do you think I should get?" Without hesitation he smiled and began to pick up the flower in front of him into a bouquet, "Here you go." He said, handing over the assortment of flowers to you. Looking at it you were blown away with the colors as well as the scent, "Thank you, they look absolutely wonderful!"

"But they are nothing compared to you, your majesty!" He complimented as the tips of his ears turned red as the roses on the cart. You spent the next few minutes talking to Tom about him and his family, when the guards notified you that you have been summoned back to the castle. "I'll see you soon!" You told Tom as the guards escorted you to the carriage. You were quite perplexed when you were suddenly called back, but all your questions were answered when you entered the castle gates and saw your fathers carriage already waiting meaning that he was back from his business.

As the huge doors of the throne room opened you were greeted by your father, you rushed as embraced him, "I have missed you father!"

"I missed you to my pumpkin!" He smiled.

"How was your trip?"

"It went extremely well, but I heard your meeting with Prince Henry didn't." Sighing once again you began, "Father you know how I care for the kingdom and its well being, I couldn't let us trade with him, he was extremely rude to Maria." You explained. "Pumpkin, I know that, but you can't just do that because someone is rude."

"Yes, I know, but-" All of a sudden you were interrupted by one of the guards.

"Your majesty, you left these in the carriage." He said, handing over the bouquet of flowers Tom had given you earlier.

"Those are wonderful flowers y/n!" Your father admired the flowers.

"Aren't they?"

"But do you know what these flowers mean?"


"Well the yellow and white roses symbolize friendship, where as the hidden lilies symbolize love, who gave you these?" A small blush crept up for cheeks as your father parted his knowledge of flowers with you. "A commoner gave it to me." You smiled, fiddling with the hidden lilies.

"Well, it looks like you have an admirer." As your father left the room, you were confused, 'did he actually admire you?' you thought, of course he would, everyone does, but you secretly wished he admired you as your lover. Days go by and you find yourself visiting the flower market quite often than usual, meaning meeting Tom more often and falling harder for him. Tom had all the qualities you ever looked for in a man, kind, caring, gentle; you could go on for hours on how wonderfully amazing he was.

Sitting in your study you were going through some papers when a servant dropped off a letter which was in your name. Which was odd because you never got letters; opening the envelope it was from none other than Tom, which made a wide grin appear on your face as the butterflies in your stomach fluttered. As you read the letter you discovered that he wanted to meet you in a secret location, which was in the countryside.

As dusk fell and the moon light spread all over the the land and the sky, you disguised yourself in order to sneak off and meet Tom. You were never for keeping secrets, but if Tom's the secret you would definitely keep him all to yourself. When you arrived at said location, it was pitch black and the moon was the only light you saw until you heard the faint rustling of the grass in the field. As the intoxicating scent of Tom filled your nostrils you felt a pair of hands cover your eyes, "Guess who." He whispered in your ears, sending a shiver down your spine.

"I know it's you Tommy." You chuckled, his hands slipped off your face and landed on your hips as he turned you in a swift motion to face him. "I want to show you something." He whispered due to the closeness, grabbing your hand and leading you deeper in the field as he asked you to close your eyes. "You can open them." As your eyes fluttered open, you saw the field full of fireflies flying all over, making you feel completely overwhelmed. "Tommy, I love this!" You exclaimed, pulling him in a tight hug.

Pulling away he held your hands in his, as his eyes lit up, he began, "Your majesty, I am no suitor or prince, I have no treasure but you, I will never be able to bring the stars to you, but this is the closest I will ever get to it," he said pointing at the fireflies, "but right now and right here all I have to say is that I love you and I know you have many wealthy princes lining up for you. Your majesty, y/n you don't have to reciprocate this feeling, you can throw me in the dungeon if you will, but I just had to say this." You had been waiting for this moment all your life, waiting to find true love and now you finally have and you couldn't let him go. So you pull him in and place your lips on his trembling ones. And in that one kiss you felt your life complete, like you've found your other half.

"I love you too Tom, and I wouldn't have it any other way than this!" You laughed, as Tom placed his lips once again on yours and twirling you around. As the days went on, it soon led to your coronation and as you sat on the throne with your parents and Tom by your side, you actually felt content with everything that was everything. And just when you thought things couldn't be any more perfect, Tom asked for your hand to your father, which he gladly did, because your father knew your choice was the best.

A year later the kingdom witnessed the most extravagant wedding ever and you and Tom lived happily ever after.

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