Carrot Top 🥕

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A little head canon for Petey

- You and your boyfriend, Peter were at his place chilling after school and watching your favourite show, Riverdale

- You were cuddling with him when a scene of shirtless Archie came on, making you swoon at that sight

- 'wow' you muttered, making Peter look down at you with a weird look

- 'Red heads are so hot!' you say dreamily, making your boyfriend a little insecure

- 'What's wrong with brunet's?' he asked

- 'Nothing, I'm just saying that guys with red hair especially Archie looks really hot!" you shrugged.

- If you knew what he was thinking you would have not said that

- The next day you were waiting for him at his locker in school when he sent you text,

Sorry I can't make it today, Mr. Stark needs me :(

- You knew how important his "internship" was for him, so you thought of dropping by his place after school

- Letting yourself in, (May didn't mind) you went straight to Peter's room.

- Opening the door you saw your lover, tensed and pacing from one end to the other

- When he saw you standing his eyes shot wide in fear

- You felt something different about him, and then it hit you

- He had dyed his hair red

- Not Archie red, blood red

- The sight made you burst into fit of laughter

- 'Pete, what have you done?' you asked walking up to him, trying to hold back your laugh which obviously you couldn't

- Embarrassed, he hung his head, 'Yesterday, you said you found guys with red hair hot so..' he trailed off

- 'So you decided to dye your hair?'

-'Yup' he whispered

- 'And clearly it didn't work' you giggled

- 'Yup'

- 'Pete you don't need to change yourself for my expectations, being different is what makes you, you and that is what I love about you' you explained to him as you cupped his cheeks

- 'Really?' 'Yes', you beamed

- 'Okay now I'm heading out to the store, let's get your beautiful brown hair back'

- The lengths this boy goes to prove his love for you amazed you  

a/n: Wow! I'm updating a lot!

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