Drowsy P.P

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Warnings: fluff, suggestive jokes, usual typos, Peter being a horny dude *finger guns*

You felt a bit bad because you were running late, so you had asked May to cover for you; apparently your boyfriend had to get his wisdom teeth removed and even though he kept saying that he was a big boy and didn't need anyone, you knew he was lying.

After asking for Peter at the receptionist you went straight to his room and saw him lying on the bed, his soft curls on his forehead; the sight making you smile softly. "He's unconscious for now, but he should wake up soon." The nurse smiled at May and left, letting you enter the room.

It must have been at least fifteen minutes, you and May were busy talking when a soft groan caught your attention, immediately you took out your phone because as promised to MJ and Ned they had to see how Peter was without any filter. As he woke up, he only saw his aunt, he had no idea you were there too. "You okay kiddo?" May asked him. He nodded and held the ice pack to his cheek, a few minutes of silence go by when he finally speaks up, more like slurred.

"May?" She nodded at him to continue, "Ya know, Y/n is so pretty!" He had a goofy grin on his face as a blush crept on your cheeks.

"Yes, Pete I know," She smiled, "I hope your making her happy."

"I am!" He whined, "I plan on marrying her one day." What? You couldn't believe it, Peter had seen a future with you?

"Oh do you now?" May cocked her eyebrow and glanced over to see your reaction, he hummed.

"And I also want her to be the mother of my children." Now the tears threatened to spill, he couldn't be more perfect for you. "And she's also great at the process." he winked lazily. Your eyes were now widened in fear as your Peter began talking about your sex life to his aunt, you could see her trying her best not to laugh.

"Hey, Pete." You called out to him, forcing a smile.

"Y/n!" He cheered, "You're here!" You nodded.

"Perfect timing, I was just thinking of giving you some babies." He smirked.

"Peter!" You warned him.

"I'll leave you two alone." May snickered and left the room, the second she did you plopped back in your seat.

"Y/n?" The brunet was pouting now.

"Yes Peter?" You sighed.

"I really wanna give you them babies." He said innocently.

"How about we graduate high school first?" You tried to negotiate.

"And then babies?" His eyes lit up as you shook your head in disbelief.


The next day when you went to visit Peter you showed him the recording, "I don't want to see anymore," he groaned and covered his face in embarrassment, "Why didn't you stop me?"

"I tried, but you kept singing 34+35 all the way back home!"

"I sang what?!" He shrieked.

"Next time please don't May cover for you."

"I won't." Laughing you pecked his lips, "And maybe we won't have to wait till after graduation." Now it was you who was smirking.

"What?" Your boyfriends eyes widened, but you assured him that you were only kidding, "As much as I love the idea, I'm willing to wait." His eyes softening as you cuddled into his chest and thinking to yourself never to let him go. 

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