Pumpkin Carving H.H ♡︎

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a/n: Could I request a blurb for pumpkin carving with Harry Holland?

Happy Halloween xx

You and your best friend Harry were at his place carving pumpkins, because he thought it would be fun. But boy was he wrong! It started out all innocent when you were standing across each other on the kitchen island with the huge pumpkins Harry had picked out for the two of you.

You were almost done with your pumpkin when you felt some gooey seed right above your wrist almost missing your cashmere sweater which made you gasp in disgust. You look at your best friend who was trying to hold his smile, acting like nothing happened when you decided to get cheeky. Taking some of the seeds you yeeted it across the room and right on his eye.

"You're gonna pay for that!" He exclaimed as he took the bowl of wet seeds and started to throw them right at you, as you did the same. The whole kitchen, from the cabinets to the hob everything was covered in pumpkin seed, when Harry decided to take it a bit further. Since he was almost out, he decided to throw whatever was left in his bowl, only for you to duck.

After he missed you stand up laughing and turn around to see where it landed when you were met with the angry eyes of Nikki, now covered in pumpkin seeds. "Harry!" She yelled, looking at her once clean kitchen. "You had one job!"

"But mum-"

"Just the one!" She cut him off, "Clean this up now!" She ordered as she went up stairs.

"This is all your fault!" Harry said.

"My fault? You started it first!" You retort, when you heard Paddy giggling.

"Paddy you little piece of shit!" Harry yelled as he chased his brother around the house

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