Training with giggles P.P ♡︎

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a/n: Request from tumblr, So what about a fluffy concept with Peter??? They are working out and training together!! And like just having fun

It was quite early in the morning when you and Peter, you boyfriend headed to the compound's gym. You were ordered by Nat a strict regime while she was away with the rest of the avenger for a mission. It was the first time the two of you were working out together and you were really excited about it. 30 minutes go by and you could already see Peter's toned abs through his now drenched in sweat tank top, and Peter could see you eyeing him as your cheeks were scarlet red; but then suddenly you start to giggle making Peter confused.

Since you were across the gym Peter moved away from the punching bag and was making his way to you, when he tripped and fell face first on the floor making you giggle even more. He looked down to see what made him trip when he saw his pant which were once on his hips now pooled at his ankles, which must have fallen down and went unnoticed by him.

Getting up he sheepishly pulled up his pants and once again made his way to you. Still giggling he pushed you against the wall causing you to gasp. "You like to giggle so much don't you?" He asked, as beads of sweat rolled down his face, "Well from now on your name is giggles." Before you could say anything in retaliation you started giggling again, leaving your boyfriend confused once again. You looked down at your feet which made him to do the same, only to see that his pants were once again pooled at your feet.

Peter backed away pulled it up for the second time and held it in its place as he ran out of the gym, "I'm changing my pants and coming back!" He yelled, making you burst into fits of laughter. 

a/n: So the following parts will be the requests from my tumblr blurb night

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