What's next? part 2 H.O

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You finished your bath and as you headed towards your bedroom to take a power nap you hear voices. You turned around and started walking towards the living room where the voices were coming from only to see Haz and Tom playing fifa. You let out a light chuckled which made Haz whip his head at your direction, giving you a soft smile; you reciprocate a similar one.

"Yes!! I win!!" A yell by Tom pulled you and Harrison out of each other's gaze. "Y/n, you should have come sooner I was almost losing to this div here" he continued as he pointed his thumb towards Harrison making him slap his hand across Tom's chest pretending to be hurt. He was not one of the best players, he even once lost against Paddy. But he never was a sore loser that's what made you love him more.

"Hey Tom, when did you get here?" You ask him as you sit next to Harrison snuggling into his side causing him to put his arm around your shoulder, pulling you close and placing a kiss on you temple.

"Not long" he replied giving a small smile. "Harrison says you've been busy, what are you upto?"

"Oh, I just started writing a short novel. I always wanted to start writing but I never got the time, but now that I have all the time in the world, I thought might as well" you said wrapping your arms around your boyfriend's torso.

"If you need any tips your free to ask my dad or me. But not Harry, I really don't know how that boy passed in English!" He suggested earning a laugh from you and Harrison.

The three of you spent hours talking about stuff as it started getting late Tom left and so did the idea of your power nap. Harrison being the caring and loving boyfriend he is offered to cook dinner which was frozen pizza pushed into the oven. You found it adorable. For dinner you decided to watch a few episodes of Brooklyn 99, Harrison and yours favourite show. You short novel was long forgotten now.

You never realised when you eyes closed, pulling you into a deep slumber. Harrison knew you were tired but he didn't know you were this tired. You looked so peaceful sleeping he thought to himself. He carefully carried you bridal style and took you to your shared bedroom gently placing you down and placed the covers over you, coming over to his side and then pulling you close to his chest and drifting into deep sleep.


The next few days were the same you got up made tea and breakfast for the two of you and then heading to the study to continue writing. Sure you had some distractions every now and then by Harrison, you wanted to be frustrated with him but instead he made you relax, brought some snacks, tea every one hour reminding you to take a break. Not reminding, more like forcing you. While you were busy he kept himself occupied by doing some gardening, going over to his parents house, Tom's house, even taking Monty for walks.

One evening you were so tired you went to sleep without eating because you sat for almost 5 hours straight. You were exhausted. Harrison now really had nothing to do. So he made his way to the study, opened you laptop and started reading. This was 6 pm it was now 11 pm and he was too deep into the story that he forgot to eat, that's a first.

When he finished reading and shut the laptop in rage he couldn't believe what he read. He stormed to your shared bedroom but carefully opened the door. He stepped in came over to your side and started waking you up. At this moment he didn't care how tired you were or peaceful you looked sleeping.

"Y/n, Y/n/, wake up!" He now started shaking you a bit aggressively. You start to stir from you slumber, adjusting your eyes to the light in the room, you check the time,

11:30 pm.

"Babe it's 11:30, I'm really tired" you said letting out a small yawn.

"I know, I know but how could you? I never thought that out of all the people you would be capable of doing something like this" he said as he hung his head with disappointment looking at his feet.

Part 3 coming soon.

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