Paper Rings H.O

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a/n: This is the longest one I've ever written

Pairings: Harrison Osterfieldx reader

Summary: Harrison plans the perfect proposal but everything fails.

Warnings: Fluff, language, fluff.

I'd marry you with paper rings.....

It has been almost 6 years since you and Harrison have been dating, and after a lot of debating he finally decides to pop the question. But Harrison being Harrison he wants to plan the most romantic and extravagant yet simple proposal. It took a whole month for him to plan this, from the ring, to the location, asking your dad's permission, heck, even asking your boss for a day off he went all out. This was the most stressful he's ever been, he wanted everything to be perfect for his perfect partner.

On the night before the big day he tried to be as calm as possible, not trying to give away anything, as you cuddled into his chest Harrison kept tracing his thumb over your ring finger, trying to be as subtle as possible. For the next day he had planned to wake up before you and start the day with his world famous pancakes.


When morning came Harrison squinted at the sunlight coming from the window. 'I really need to get some curtains.' he thought to himself. Turning over to see you, he noticed your side empty. He hastily checked the time.

9:40 am.

'Crap!' Mentally cursing himself, he rushed down to the kitchen only to see you standing in one of his buttoned up shirts which barely reached your thighs and a pair of shorts, making him chocolate chip pancakes as you swayed your hips to whatever was playing on the radio. This. This is what he wanted to wake up to for the rest of his life, you turned around to see your boyfriend just smiling at you. "I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

"No, no it's fine, I don't mind waking up like this." He beamed as you walked over to him, placing a chaste kiss on his lips. "Hey, I was thinking maybe we could go for a walk on the beach later? Its been quite long since we have.... so?" he asked pulling away.

"That's a great idea Haz!"

Since step one of his plan failed, Harrison wanted to make sure the rest of the day went as planned. As soon as you stepped out in the driveway the weather didn't favor your plans. The sky went from blue to grey within an hour. But that didn't stop the two of of you. Step two of his plan was to pop the question to you on the beach. On the drive there Harrison played the special playlist he had made which reminded you of all the special moments you've had in these past years.

As you were walking you held onto his arm as his other hand was fiddling with the velvet box in his pocket, and when he felt it was the right time he stood in front of you, "Um, y/n there's something I've been meaning to ask you-" he stuttered, but the crashing of the waves caught your attention. "Haz, hold that thought, I think we should get back, the tides are high." You interrupted him. Once again Harrison felt defeated. "Oh, um ok"

Getting in the car you noticed how his mood changed, "Haz, are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine, just a bit bummed ya know" he shrugged,"was hoping we could just do something."

"Oh babe," you said turning to your pouting boyfriend,"how about we go to Greggs? A good sausage roll always cheers you up." Harrison quickly sent you one of his soft smiles realizing how well you know him. But soon his face was covered with fear. "I gotta make a phone call, I'll be right back"

Getting out of the car he immediately called Tom. "Did you do it? Did she say yes?" Tom asked enthusiastically.

"No, I didn't ask, there was a high tide at the beach so we're leaving right now." Apparently the third part of his plan was going to Greggs where Tom, Harry, Sam and Tuwaine would be waiting with a 'Congratulations' banner.

"The plan is off." Harrison said disappointed. He later refused to go to Greggs and ended up making plans for an afternoon in, watching some movie.

As you selected a random movie, his head on your lap while you gently massaged his scalp. "Hey, you seem a bit down, is something wrong?" Seeing your boyfriend so sad really bothered you.

"It's just that," he sighed,"I had planned this perfect day for us but it all went to shit, I was really hoping for this day to go well."

"Aw, Haz you don't need to plan something for me to spend time with you, what we're doing right now also works for me." You reasoned with him, that's when he thought, 'Fuck it'

He got up from his sleeping position and got down on his knee and removed the velvet box from his pocket. "Haz what are you doing?" you asked.

"Y/n, I have been waiting for this moment for the longest time, and though I had planned something different, I'd rather have this. Y/n, ever since I met you at the library, I couldn't take my eyes off you and I have been in love with you ever since." At this point you had tears of joy rolling down your cheeks. "Every day you make me a better person, and I adore you for that. Everyday when I wake up next to you I just ask myself two questions, 'how did I get so lucky with you' and 'can we be here forever.' So what I'm trying to say is, Y/n Y/l/n, will you marry me?"

"Yes, yes I will marry you!" you sniffled. He removed the ring from the box and just as he placed it on your finger, the least expected thing happened, the ring was too small. Harrison was mentally cursing the universe for today. "The jeweler must have got it wrong." he whined, tears threatening to spill. "Hey, hey look at me," you cupped his face,"it's okay, the ring doesn't matter to me, you do and our future together does, I'd even marry you with paper rings for that matter!"



"I love you so much!" he said leaning in and crashing his lips onto yours.

"I love you too."

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