Truth or dare T.H

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A/n: This is first Tom Holland one shot, I hope you like it!

Pairings: Tom x reader

It was a nice Tuesday afternoon you and the boys, Tom, Harrison, Harry, Sam and Tuwaine were just hanging out at Tom's flat when Harry said, "Guys you know what we should do?"

Everyone looked at him signalling him to continue. "We should play truth or dare" he said excitedly.

"I'm down, we don't have anything to do anyways" you shrugged.

Everyone gathered in the living room and sat opposite eachother. The first few rounds were mild but as you kept going it kept going wild. It went from hot sauce shots and posting weird selfies online to Tuwaine cradling Harry like a baby and Harrison running down the street wearing on of your skirts yelling, 'I'm a pretty princess' really quickly.

The ones they gave you were pretty chill, like, eat a spoon full of mustard, prank call someone etc. One of the main reasons Harry wanted to play this game was to get you and Tom together. Over the years literally every one saw the signs that you and Tom had a thing for each other but would always brush it off when asked by people. It's was tiring for him to see the back and forth flirting and something had to be done.

So after some rounds he decided it was finally time to execute his plan. "Hey, Tom, truth or dare?" He said with a grin plastered on his face. Fake thinking he replied, "truth"

Harry knew it was now or never.

"Who's your crush?" as soon as these words rolled out of Harry's tongue he widened his eyes, panicked and yelled, "dare!"

"Ok.. then I dare you to call your crush and tell her you like her" harrison interjected. Tom started to panic more now. How could he tell his crush whom he was actually sitting opposite to, that he like her? What if she didn't like him? It was crystal clear that he was stuck in the friend zone.

"Hello, earth to Tom?" You said waving your hand in front of his face causing him to come back to reality. "What happened is little Tommy sacred to make a phone call?" You teased in a baby voice.

"No, I'm not!" He defended himself.

"Okay wait, I have a better idea" Sam suggested. "Tom, if don't want to it's fine" Tom sighed in relief. Harry opened his mouth about to argue why his twin was ruining his plan when Sam laughed, "I'm not done yet! If you don't want to it's fine but then you have to something else in return" he said crossing his hands across his chest.

"I'll do anything!" He begged.

"You and y/n have to do the couples for 24 hours challenge" he added promptly. Now it was you whose eyes went wide in panic. If anyone could read yours and Tom's mind right now they would say that you guys are thinking the same thing. You had mixed emotions not knowing whether to be happy and excited that it's finally happening or sad and worried if the other person likes you back.

"Yes! You have to!" Harry said excitedly, more than he was supposed to be, which made every give him a weird look.

"I'm okay, if you're okay with it" you said softly.

"No, no it's fine with me!"

"Okay then it's done! Now seal the deal with a kiss" Harry chuckled, making the both of you blush. "We don't have all night now come on!" He added impatiently. "Alright, alright!" Tom calmed him. You both lean in for a quick peck and pull back. Even in that small peck you felt the fireworks, his lips were so soft, you desperately wanted to deepen the kiss, but you didn't want to ruin what you already had.

You played a few more rounds, ordered some pizza, and now it was getting late. You were sitting next to Tom and watching a movie, halfway done you started getting tired and began yawning.

"You feeling sleepy love?" He whispered as he put his arm around your shoulder and pulled you into his side so that you could lean on him. You simply hummed in response melting into his warmth. It felt nice. Even though it was supposed to be for 24 hours, you wanted to make most of it; you thought as you drifted off to sleep.

The next morning as you stirred from your sleep you felt a strong arm around your waist, turning around you see Tom. How the sun rays highlighted his freckles and how peaceful he looked. You wished you could be in his arms forever. You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't realise you were now staring an awake Tom.

"Morning" he said in his raspy voice, pulling you back to reality, and closer to him as he tightened his grip around your waist.

"Morning" you mumbled into his chest.

"So what do you want do today darling?" He asked, kissing your forehead.

"You don't have to Tom" you hesitated moving out off his grip,"it's just a stupid dare, we don't actually have to do it"

"But I want to!" He said, lazily pulling you again into his arms."Actually I-I want to b-because..." He trailed off.

"Because what?" You whispered.

"Becauseilikeyou" he mumbled. He saw a confused face, took a deep breath and said, "Because I like you, a-and I wanted to tell you earlier but I didn't want to put our friendship in jeopardy" You cupped his cheeks and pulled in for a passionate kiss, the one which you were longing for yesterday, leaving Tom shocked.

"I like you too" you said in between the kiss. "Really?!" He asked excitedly. His eyes looked like a child's on Christmas morning, you nodded.

"Sam, Harrison, Tuwaine you guys owe me 50 bucks! I told you they'll confess by morning!" Harry's muffled yelling ripped you two out of each other's gaze making you giggle at your friends antics.

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