Sniffles lead to cuddles H.O

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a/n: request from agirlwholoveavengers  So, can you please do an sweet imagine about Haz and his girlfriend. They have their own apartment, she was free from work, so she decided just to watch Netflix(friends tv show:D). It was late, and there was such a sad moment, so she start crying so much and didn't even heard how haz come home. And then you can do whatever you want, something sweet or whatever, it's up to you. Also you can add something happened in the morning. Just something sweet I really need a comfort right now.

It was just another regular lazy day for you except the only thing missing was your boyfriend, you were just a few months into your relationship and the both of you agreed that taking it slow was okay for the time being. He happened to spend the night with you, but left in the morning without saying goodbye; it did upset you a bit but you decided to brush it off. You didn't want to be the reason for keeping him from his work, the relationship was going well so far and you didn't want to seem too clingy.

So, here you were sitting in your pajamas binging on friends, since your lover wasn't there to comfort you, you deemed it upon yourself to turn to your comfort show. It was a bit late in the evening, you didn't seem to notice time pass away, and as Chandler got on his knee the waterworks began. You didn't know why but that scene with Monica always made you ugly cry, romantic scenes like these always made you cry out of joy no doubt.

Now when Harrison entered your apartment he did feel a bit guilty of leaving you in the morning and decided to surprise you despite his busy schedule; instead he was surprised by your sniffles as he walked to your room. Carefully he opened the door and saw you sitting on your bed surrounded by lots of tissues,which shattered his heart to see you. Jogging to your side, he instantly engulfed you and stroked your soft locks as he kissed your forehead in hopes of comforting you. If he only knew the real reason you were actually crying.

"Harrison what are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be at work?" You asked, wiping away your tears, Harrison cupped your face and pecked your lips before answering.

"Hi," he whispered as your eyelashes tickled his cheeks, "I felt bad for leaving this morning so I came to make it up to you, but now I feel terrible, I didn't mean to make you cry." His eyes softened.

You chuckled at the thought but also felt bad for guilt trapping your boyfriend. "Haz, before you make me feel guilty, turn around." You instructed him, confused he turned around and saw the tv and immediately feeling embarrassed, started to chuckle.

"You really need to stop crying over tv shows." He smiled and shook his head in disbelief.

"Cuddles?" You asked with a pouty face.

"Cuddles!" He beamed, getting under the covers and wrapping his arms around you in a protective way and your head laid on his chest listening to his steady heartbeats.

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