Newbie T.H

524 19 4


Warnings: language, mentions of alcohol, usual typos

You were sitting in your classroom reading through your textbook and waiting for the professor to come, when all of a sudden the sound of whispers followed by an eruption of laughter coming from the group of frat boys caught your attention. You raised your head and look at them through the frames of you glasses only to see all of them looking at you making you even more self-conscious

Shifting your attention back your book you heard an even louder sound of laughter erupt from them; of course they must've been talking about you, there was no doubt there. If anyone had handed you a surprise test you would have aced it, but if you were put at any social event you would pass out just at the thought of, that is why college was a nightmare. You had no idea how these bozos could go to a party every second day and yet be alive at this point.

Soon enough the lecture was over and you were collecting your things to head to your next class, you realized that the only way to do so was to pass the group of boys. Clutching on to your things you successfully passed their posse, or so you thought.

"Hey Y/n!" One of them called out, you grimaced before turning, "We're having this party today would you like to come?" He teased. No one had ever seen you at any party and now it was just a teasing game to them, but you hated being a goody-too-shoes. "Knock it off guys," A certain brown haired said as he himself tried to hold back his laughter, "I'm sure she doesn't time to let loose, she must be having a tea party with her stuffed animals." He teased as they all burst into fits of laughter making you storm out in anger, you had enough of it and now it was your turn to have your fun.

Walking up to the door of the frat house in you blue dress that barely reached your knees, a shiver running down your spine as the wind began to pick up. There was no need to knock on the gigantic doors of the house they were already open. Entering the house it looked like every typical frat party you had seen in movies and tv shows, butterflies interrupting in your stomach as you walked around.

There were many students from your classes who were there and were shocked to see you; of course it was your first ever party because you had no idea what you were supposed to do. The music boomed around the house as you walked deeper in, hoping to find someone you know, and you did but not in the position you expected to see them. The same mope of brown curls that teased you earlier, Tom, he had his hands wrapped around some girls waist and making out with her. You internally gagged at the site and began to walk away thinking it was a bad idea.

You were almost out the door when the faint calling of your name reached your ears over the music. It was the same boy who was just pushing his tongue down that girls throat moments ago, "Hey you made it!" He exclaimed and pulled you into a hug, hesitantly you were in his embrace and inhaling his cologne mixed with alcohol.

"Sorry I was just about to leave."

"What why?" he asked.

"Isn't it kind of obvious? I don't belong here." You said wrapping your arms around your self.

"That's because you haven't given it a chance, come on!" He stated and took your hand, dragging you back in. "Wait here." He said, leaving you stranded in one corner. Moments later he came back with a red solo cup in one hand and a bottle of beer in the other, "Here." He said handing you the cup. "What's this?" You asked.

"Well I'm assuming you've never had alcohol so I got you coke."

"I thought you would be corrupting me." You raised an eyebrow. He smirked and lowered his head, his lips near your ear, "Baby steps darling." He whispered, your cheeks turning into a tint of red at the sound of that nickname. And that's when you thought, 'Screw baby steps'.

You caught him off guard by snatching the beer bottle from his hand and downing almost half the bottle in a go. "Woah, woah slow down there!" He coaxed, your face scrunching up when the bottle left your lips. It might have been little but your head was already spinning a bit.

"You okay?" He chuckled at the sight of how adorable you looked, you nodded and reached again for the bottle when he stopped you, "Normally I would allow this but I'm cutting you off."

"What? Come on, let me have it!" You whined, he tried to stop you by putting his hand behind his back, trying to reach out for it you realized how your arms were around him; standing chest to chest as you stared into his chocolate brown like eyes. "Tom!" His friend called him causing the two to brake eyes contact. Taking the opportunity you took the bottle out of his grip, and making a run for it. He chased you, pushing himself through the sea of people, this is the first time he's ever done anything like this, being secretly glad that you came.

You downed the entire bottle and waited behind a pillar waiting for Tom, when suddenly his strong arms wrapped around your waist, your back was pressed against his strong chest as he spun you around; a giggle escaping your lips. "I'm cutting you off." He laughed putting you down as you turned and faced him, wrapping your arms around his neck; you were clearly drunk.

A surge of confidence came over you, "Kiss me." You whispered.


"Why not?" You whined.

"This isn't like you."

"Then what is like me?"

"Being a cute nerd is like more you."

"You think I'm cute?" You furrowed your eyebrows as he shrugged, a small smile crept on his lips. "You should get home y/n."

"What aren't you going to bed me?" You asked him, "Isn't this what you do? Get a girl drunk and then sleep with her?"

"Yeah, but you're not the type of girl to have one night stands with." You gave him a confused look, "You're the type of girl I'd take on dates and stuff." He confessed, okay so maybe he had been harboring a crush over you and that is why he acted like a dick and teased you. "Did I make you go all soft?" He nodded answering your question. "Then kiss me." He did smiling into the kiss as did you.

Who knew just a kiss could make him a changed man, and he even proved you by asking you out the next day, and taking you on cute little dates further on. He paid no mind to the teasing of how soft he went for you by his friends as long as he was with you, nothing could get to him.  

a/n: I have no idea what I have written 😂

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