Uh oh H.H

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Warnings: language, fluff

Ever since you and Harry had Audrey, you have been over the moon especially Harry since she was daddy's little girl. They were like magnets, never wanting to leave each other, making him very over protective of her and she wouldn't have it any other way.

Now that she was 3, Harry convinced you it was okay for you to get back to your job, to which you hesitated at first but then obliged to do so. He reassured you that Tom would be there to help him babysit you daughter, after all he was her favourite uncle.

With a heavy heart you getting ready for work when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist, "Love, we're going to be fine, quit worrying." He reassured one more time.

"Yeah I know." You sighed.

As you stood at the door you bent down to you daughters height and telling her to behave, placing a kiss on her forehead and giving Harry a quick peck before leaving. An hour later Tom arrived and spent the whole day teaching his niece about golf and different spiderman poses, while Harry was regretting everything that was being unfolded in front of him.

The whole day goes by and its almost time for you to come home. Audrey was sitting on Harry's lap giggling when Tom gets a call, he gets up to excuse himself, while Harry was still tickling her tummy.

"Fuck! Are you serious?" Tom yelled, making Harry's eyes go wide in fear and hoping Audrey didn't hear anything.

"Fuck." She giggled. Harry began to panic and then he realized why you were being so paranoid. Then came in Tom, "I got it! I got the fucking part!" This made Harry panic more.

"Fucking." Audrey giggled again.

"Did I do that?" Tom asked with guilt. "Yes, yes you did!" Harry yelled at his brother, he then turned to his daughter, "Audrey, honey that's a no-no word, you cannot say that okay?" That's when the door knob turned and you entered the house, Audrey jumped of his lap and ran towards you, "Mommy!" she yelled as she hugged your leg. Tom was sneaky he knew what was about to happened now.

"Hey, y/n," he greeted giving you a hug, "great timing I was just about to leave." He said as he dashed out the door. "Well, he was in a hurry." You laughed as you turned to Harry.

"Mommy," your daughter tugged on your hand to pick her up, "uncle Tom taught me a new word today!" She exclaimed. "Really? What word?" You asked your innocent looking child.

"Fuck" she giggled.

"What?" you yelled, "Harry Robert Holland! You had one job!" If looks could kill Harry would most probably be dead and buried.

"I am so sorry! But it was Tom's fault!"

"Harry," you said sternly, "I need you to fix this, I've had a long day, now I'm gonna go take a bath and when I come back I expect her to forget that word." You ordered, handing over Audrey to Harry.

"You are in a lot of trouble little miss." He smiled, making the 3 year old giggle. 

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