Tinsel and red ribbons H.H ♡︎

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"Alright Harry, I'm going to the grocery store now, I'll be back soon." You informed your husband as you pecked his lips and turned to your one year old, "I'll be back soon buddy!" You said to Charlie placing a soft kiss on his forehead.

"Come on Charlie let's set up a surprise for you mum." He said to his son, tickling him and earning a giggle from him. Two hours later you entered the house with grocery bags only to hear the house filled with roars of laughter, smiling you kept the bags in the kitchen and went in the living room to see how your husband was entertaining your son. When you entered the room you saw Harry with tinsel and decoration around his neck dancing while Charlie's giggles filled the room.

"Harry what are you doing?" You asked, trying to hold in your laughter.

"Uh, nothing." He said sheepishly, removing the decoration off of him. As your gaze shifted around the room you saw a poorly decorated christmas tree standing in the corner.

"Did you decorate the tree without me?" You asked with anger in your tone as your hands found their way on your hips.


"You've done a terrible job hun,"

"I know." He sighed in disappointment.

"Leave the decorating to the experts." You said as you walked toward the christmas tree. As Harry's Christmas playlist played in the background the three of you danced hanging up ornaments and other decorations on the tree. Several hours later while you were swaying Charlie to sleep Harry was rummaging through the boxes of decoration he found something.

"Love is this the same ribbon you used-" As soon as your eyes landed on it you covered Charlie's eyes in your chest, placing your hand on his ear, you cut him off, "Harry!" Your husband was shocked by what just happened but the moment he realized it he hid it in your room for safekeeping. 

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