Only you H.O ♡︎

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Request from Tumblr:Harrison being insecure about himself since he's not in big name movies and everyone's prefer Tom better but the reader comforting him fluffy fluffy

Being one of Hollywood's biggest trio had its pros and cons. Tom, Harrison and you have been best friends ever since y'all were in diapers and you guys kept it that way; not the diaper part the friendship part.

Due to Tom's job you and Harrison got the go round the world and have the time of your lives. Meeting celebrities, fans all that jazz.

But in all this Harrison started feeling a bit insecure and started comparing himself to Tom. And because of the the cliche 'falling in love with your best friend' he thought you'll probably end up with Tom.

Thanks to Tom, the three of you were invited to the Vanity fair party, where all of the biggest celebrities would be present. On the night of the party you rolled up at the red carpet with Harrison and Tom at sides. As you entered the building you were in absolute awe of all the important people present there.

The whole night Tom kept introducing you to all your favourite celebrities, but one thing you noticed was that Harrison was no where to be seen. As you kept looking around the sea of people for your best friend Tom was walking up to you with a familiar person walking behind him. "Y/n, I have someone here who wants to meet you." he said revealing the tall man behind him. Your jaw dropped to the floor when you saw one of your favourite artists right in front of you,

You couldn't believe it Shawn freaking Mendes was standing in front of you while you were having a mini panic attack. "It's really nice to finally meet you!" he exclaimed, pulling you into hug.

"Hi, the pleasure is all mine, I'm such a huge fan!" You couldn't stop fangirling, but then you remembered you had someone to look for. With great regret you had to excuse your self and go search for your friend who just cost you your chance of have a conversation with your celebrity crush. You left the party and went outside only to find Harrison leaning against a pole on the sidewalk. He must have heard the stomping of your heals as he turned around to see you.

"What the hell are you doing outside I was searching for you!" you hissed at him, obviously mad at him for ditching you at the party. "Well you clearly didn't need me so why wait." he stated plainly.

"What do mean I didn't need you?

"Weren't you having fun meeting all those celebrities with Tom"

"I was left alone because Tom was having the time of his life, I was just about to have a decent conversation with Shawn but then I remembered my idiot of a friend was missing." Harrison turned around to face you, confusion written all over his face. "Wait, you ditched Shawn Mendes for me? The Shawn Mendes? Your celebrity crush who you have loved for almost all your life Shawn Mendes?"

"Yeah and I regret it, but that's not important now. Tell me what's wrong." you asked.

"Nothing's wrong." he mumbled, his eyes shifting away from you.

"How stupid do you think I am? I can tell when something wrong. What is it?"

He sighed,"Fine, its just that everytime we go to any party or anytime in general I feel like a complete loser standing next to Tom. He is always taking you to meet your favourite celebrities, and I've seen the the way you two always flirt and look at each other. I get jealous because I want to flirt with you and I want us to look at each other like that. But clearly i realize you wouldn't want that because I'm not a hot shot like Tom and I'll never have a chance with someone as funny and gorgeous as you." It wasn't the alcohol saying this, this was Harrison Saying in complete consciousness. After he finished his rambling you wacked him across his chest with the purse in your hand as a reply.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"That was for taking so much time to finally confess." After you completed your sentence you pulled him by his suit collar and crashed your lips onto his soft ones. "And that was me saying, I like you too" all this caught Harrison off guard.

"Wait, you like me?"

"For the longest time"

"Then what was all the flirting with Tom?"

"We were doing that to make you jealous so you'd confess. And since when did you start comparing yourself to Tom? Harrison you don't have to feel that you are being shadowed by him, you are perfect just the way you are and that's what makes you you."

"Really?" he whispered as you were still standing close to each other.

"Yes" you replied giving a soft smile. Instantly his lip landed onto yours for the second time. Pulling away he asked, "So, I'm more important that Shawn now?"

"Just shut up and kiss me Osterfield."

a/n: Sorry it was really crappy, I'm just feeling a bit tired and I did my best.

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