Insolent Heart H.H

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*Badtemeez Dil*

a/n: Major yjhd vibes!!

Pairings: Harry Holland x Indian! reader

You were in your room hanging out with your boyfriend of 3 years, Harry, when you were interrupted by your mom, "Y/N, I just got off the phone with your aunt from Udaipur, she has invited us for her daughter's wedding, so you better start packing. Hello Harry." she ordered before leaving.

You were 5 when you moved to Kingston from India, and your neighbors, the Hollands made you and your family very welcome and soon enough your friendship with Harry turned into something more. 

You groaned as your mother left you with the news, you loved visiting India but it always annoyed you how your relatives said how white washed you were. Harry noticed your very obvious annoyed behavior, and thought of an idea which might make your trip better.

"Can I come?" he asked, ripping you out of your thoughts. You looked and him confusingly. 

"Wha- why?" 

"For many reasons. First, I'll get to meet the rest of your family; second, India is a very beautiful country so it'll be a great opportunity for me to take some photos and third," he moved closer to you and holding your hands in his, "maybe you could take me sight seeing?" He asked with hope in his eyes. "Really? I mean are you sure? My family back home is very judgmental, you sure you'll be able to handle it?"

"Of course! I mean we got your parents approval to date, so bad could it be?" You threw your head back laughing on how ignorant your boyfriend was of your family. "Oh, Harry you naive little boy." 

"I'm being serious!" he said sternly. 

"Wow, really?"


"Ok, I'll ask my mum." When you went down to inform you mother she had the same reaction as you. "Beta, I fine with it but I really can't say about your relatives." she shrugged. "So can I take that as a yes?"

"Yes, he can come." You were about to go and deliver the good news to Harry when she stopped you in your tracks. "But he is your responsibility."

"We're not kids mum!" you groaned. 


The next two weeks went by too quickly, checking flights, packing etc., From the time you arrived at the airport to the drive home, you could see how Harry's face lit at the beautiful scenes of the city and how quick he was of capturing them on his camera. Settling in you kept your outfit ready for your cousins Mendhi ceremony the next day. 

As you woke up with the sun, got ready for the day full of fun. You wore a teal green and pink ghagra choli, which was the first time Harry saw you wearing traditional wear, his jaw nearly dropped when he first saw you. Likewise for you it was Harry's first time wearing a traditional kurta, he surely was trying his best to impress the rest of your family and by the looks of it, it was working out great so far. 

As the celebrations began you found your self rather busy with catching up with your family and introducing Harry to some of them. When you were called by your aunts to apply mendhi on your hands you left your boyfriend with cousins, but somehow he managed to sneak out and find you. 

"Things are going well I suppose?" you snickered.

"A bit." He admitted shyly. While one of the ladies finished drawing the design on your hand she asked you if your "husband" wanted your initials on his palm, when you looked at him he was confused like as if he'd done something wrong. 

"What's wrong?" he asked. 

"She's asking me if you want my initials on your palm, they say the darker it is, the more deeper and stronger your love is for me." you informed. Without sparing a second he shoved his palm in front of the lady enthusiastically making everyone giggle at his excitement. 

A few hours later while you were busy catching up with your cousins suddenly the music and chattering of all the guests stopped, a certain curly haired boy standing in middle of the dance floor caught your attention, and one of your favorite song starts playing; badtemeez  dil.

Your jaw was wide open when the curly boy revealed himself who was none other than your boyfriend. As the beat continued, he very smoothly danced to you and closed your mouth, returning back to the dance floor. 

For you Harry was always that guy would rarely dance in front of people, if you knew bringing him to India would bring a different side of him you would have done it sooner. 

What was even more surprising was that Harry learnt every single step from the movie, and it was at that moment you realized to what lengths he could go to prove his love for you to everyone.

What was even more surprising was that Harry learnt every single step from the movie, and it was at that moment you realized to what lengths he could go to prove his love for you to everyone

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harryholland64 My desi girl

hazosterfield WOW! Miss India!

        y/username Thanks Haz

nikkihollandphotography She looks like my future daughter-in-law

nikkihollandphotography She looks like my future daughter-in-law

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(Just pretend that's Harry lol)

y/username Looks like the boys got themselves a new contender for a dance battle

tomholland2013 The hell?!

tuwaine Watch out Tom, Harry's coming for you! 

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