The Only Reason

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The Only Reason

by: justyouraveragebandlover (its highlighted and i dont know why so ignore that)

"GOD. YOU'RE SUCH A BITCH." You looked at your boyfriend Ryan in shock. All you had said was that you were going out with Mikey tomorrow before he leaves for tour again.
"Ry, what did I do? I'm sorry." He turned around and looked at me.
"ALL YOU IS HANG OUT WITH HIM. 'MIKEY THIS' AND 'MIKEY THAT'. I'M SORRY THAT IM NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU ANYMORE. IT'S ALMOST LIKE YOU'RE CHEATING ON ME WITH HIM. " you hated hearing him say that. He has a history is depression, and you're always afraid of him doing something stupid when he says stuff like that. You sighed, knowing the only way to end this would be giving in.
"Ryan. Shut up and come here. You know i love you. Stop yelling and come cuddle with me. I'll cancel on Mikey. Okay? I love you." He smiled.
"Good. All this fighting was making me want to cut myself." You pulled him close, and kissed him, hoping to clear all those thoughts out of his head. he laughed slowly against your lips.
"What's so funny?"
"I guess I can't believe I thought you'd cheat on me. Especially with that prick." Your eyes shot open and you shoved him off of you.
"You don't know him. Don't fucking call him a prick." He clenched his fist.
"I know that he has eyes for my girlfriend. And that's not o-fucking-Kay with me." I stood up and looked at him. I took a step towards him and he met me in the middle.
"How many fucking times have I told you. We are JUST FRIENDS." Before you could react, You felt a stinging on your face and fell back on the bed. He just slapped you. He's never done that before. You felt the tears forming in your eyes.
"I'm leaving. Call me when you stop being such a bitch and I'm capable of presenting you to the world." He walked out of your room, and down the stairs. You didn't move until you heard his car pull out of the driveway. All you could hear was Mikey's voice from a month ago in your head.
"You need to leave him *Y/N*. It's been a year and the entire time he's been emotionally abusive to you. He plays that depression card like this is monopoly and it's a 'get out of jail free' card. It's not okay. You need to get out before it gets physical."
You grabbed your phone from across the bed and texted him asking him to come over. You sat there, staring at the floor. You didn't know how long it had been but suddenly you heard Mikey walk through your bedroom door.
"*Y/N* are you oka- I'm gonna fucking kill him. Did he hit you?" At his words, you broke down sobbing. He picked you up, and laid you down on your bed, cuddled up next to him. He was holding you, letting you cry. When you finally composed yourself, you looked at him.
"Why do I do this to myself?" He pressed his lips against your forehead.
"I ask myself that everyday. I'm always afraid that one day I'm going to get a call from you mom that you... That he..." He closed his eyes, obviously uneasy at the thought. You buried your head in his chest.
"Hey. I'm right here. You're not getting rid of me that easy." His arms tightened around you. Trying to make this situation less depressing, you looked at Mikey.
"Do you wanna watch Forest Gump?"
"I feel like that's a trick question." You got up and started to pull him off the bed.
"Let's go make some popcorn." The two of you walked downstairs together. You passed by a mirror in the hallway and winced at the bruise already prominent on your cheek.
"I look terrible." Michael immediately wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you into him.
"Shut up. You still look beautiful. You just look like you got hit by an asshole." When walked into the kitchen, you hopped up on the counter and turned on some music from your phone.
"You have to fix it." He grabbed a bag out of the cabinet and put it in the microwave. You sat there, watching him. Mikey was such an amazing person. You've known each other for as long as you can remember. Mikey was the one who called your mom when you broke your arm falling out of a tree when you were 9. He was your first kiss when you were 12. The first time you snuck out of the house, you snuck out to go watch the stars with him when you were 14. First sexual experience when you were 16. Mikey was always there for you and with you. People never expected to see any different. You found out right after he left to tour with One Direction that both of your families had a bet going to see when you'd get together. Even the guys thought you'd end together. They sat you down one night and told you there was an open bunk, if you wanted it.
"We see the way you two look at each other. We know you love him *Y/N*" Ashton always tried not to step on toes, knowing you still had a boyfriend.
"Guys. I don't like him like that. We've talked about this." Luke sat there, staring at you.
"But when did you start lying about it?" Mikey was dancing around to Rejects. He looked over at you and made the stupidest face he could muster without breaking his concentration on his- godawful- dancing. You couldn't help but smile. Luke's words rang through your head again. When did you start lying about it? The realization suddenly hit you.
"I love him." You whispered it into the air, so lightly that you could barely hear yourself. But Mikey did.
"What?" You just shrugged. He walked towards you smirking.
"What?" You shook your head, not wanting to talk about it. Before you could react, he started tickling you. You were dying laughing, trying to convince him to stop. You wrapped your arms around your waist and leaned in towards him so he didn't have access to tickle your sides anymore. He finally stopped. You sat back up a little bit, and glared at him.
"You're such an ass." He just stared at you smiling. Your eyes locked with his, and suddenly you couldn't move. You were mesmerized. One of you started to lean in, and before you could stop yourself, your lips were pressed up against his. He pulled away slowly, mumbling something to himself. But you heard him.
"God, I love you." His eyes widened, realizing what he'd just said. Before he could move, you wrapped your legs around him.
"I love you too." You pulled him in for another kiss, only pulling apart when the timer on the popcorn went off, scaring the two of you. He grabbed the popcorn and you walked back up to your bedroom. You put the movie in the DVD player and went to lay by him. He immediately pulled you against him so he could wrap his arms around you. You tried to watch the movie at first, but you could see that he wasn't paying attention at all, so you grabbed the remote and paused it.
"Mikey, what's wrong?" He started drawing random shapes on your back with his finger.
"What are we gonna do?" You sighed
"I don't know. I can't just leave him Mikey. There's too many complications. I just made things worse. If I just leave, he'll kill me." He sighed.
"*Y/N*, do you remember back when we were little? And I thought you died because you fell out of that tree?" You nodded.
"Ever since that moment, I've known how much I love you. I don't know if you know this, but you blacked out for a solid three minutes. I thought you died and I sat there screaming telling you to wake up because we were going to grow up one day and I was going to get to tell you that I loved you and we were going to be together and be happy. But then you went and I thought you were dead and fucking up my plans as usual. I screamed and cried. Telling you to come back. Once that happened, I realized there was no going back. We can find a way to fix this. I can't undo all the pain he caused you. But I can try as hard as I can for the rest of my life to make up for it. I love you. And I don't want to lose you again." You hadn't realized that you were crying until he wiped the tears running down your face.
"Mikey-" he cut you off.
"Just let me talk for a minute or two. Or I'll never be able to say this. I hate falling asleep with out you next to me. When I'm away on tour, I'm pretty sure I fall apart at the thought that that asshole could be holding you and touching you and I was sitting in a bunk in a tour bus, sometimes a million miles away. You're the reason I'm living my dreams. You make me crazy. I can't think straight with you around, but I'm never going to give up on loving you. We've only ever had one big fight in our lives. And that was when you tried to tell me that we couldn't hang out anymore. And I called bullshit. Because I knew it wasn't you saying that. We screamed and you threw a lot of my things at me, but I couldn't just let it go. Because I wasn't letting some kid who'd come into your life at the beginning of that year tell you you couldn't see me anymore. I went home and wrote a song. Did you know that? The Only Reason. I wrote that song about you. Because I'm in love with you *Y/N*. I've been in love with you since I was 11. And eight years later, I still love you. *Y/N* come on tour with me. I'll protect you. He can't hurt you anymore with me around." You couldn't say anything. You were in awe at the fact that this amazing boy was in love with you. He was the best thing that could ever happen to you. And you were so glad that he wanted to be with you.
"End things with him, and come back on tour with me?" You sat there for a second, and once you realized that you were capable of forming a coherent sentence, you just nodded. He smiled the biggest smile you've ever seen, and wrapped his arms around you. You buried your face in his neck.
"I love you. So much Mikey." His arms tightened around you.
"I love you too."




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