don't leave

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don't leave | m.c

By: c0bain-shirt

You knew that walking away was the best idea for you. Maybe not him, but definitely you. Sweat dripped down the back of your neck as you stuffed all of the clothes you could fit into a suitcase.

"Y/N, I didn't mean it." Michael stood at the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. His face was still flustered from the fight you two just had.

"I know you didn't. But I did." You crossed the room to the closet where you grabbed your favorite pair of shoes and a few more pairs of jeans.

"I still don't understand why you're leaving." He crossed the hardwood floors and sat down next to the suitcase, pulling your t-shirts back out of it.

"I love you." Tears immediately came to your eyes and you couldn't make eye contact with him.

"Then tell me why you're packing up and walking out the door!" His voice cracked in the end which broke your heart even more.

You took your colored t-shirts out of his hand and threw them back into the black bag. Your fight with him had been, yet again, about his fans. He was always meeting fans and making them happy. In the beginning, you understood. But you were his girlfriend and there was a time when you needed him - not his fans. After a few months, you would speak up about it and it would eventually end in a laugh. But recently, it has gotten much worse. Fighting almost night, tears shed, sleeping on the couch. And you decided to put an end to it.

You zipped up the bag, picking it up. When you didn't answer, he put his hand over yours. "Michael," you huffed, still not making eye contact with him.

"Look at me." He lifted your chin up and your eyes met his. "Why are you leaving me?"

"Those girls-"

"Damn it, Y/N!" You didn't know what scared you more: the anger on his face or in his voice. "We both know that my fans aren't the only reason you're walking out. You wouldn't do this. I know you."

"Maybe I've had enough of treating you horribly."

"And you can't stop that?"

"You make me feel amazing. But I can't help it. I can't stop." The tears that were welled up in your eyes were falling now. "I need to change myself. I can't be like this anymore. It is unhealthy. I'm unhealthy."

"I love you the way you are. I don't want you to change."

"Michael, no. I need time. I need to heal."

"Y/N, I don't want you to leave."

You stepped closer to him, placing a kiss on his cheek. For something that you've done so many times, this felt weird. Unfamiliar. And you knew he felt the same. "Goodbye." Your lips lingered for a minute before you slid the bag onto the floor and rolled it out of there. Without a look back, you walked out the front door.

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