Saltine challenge

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Saltine challenge

By: 5sauceimaginethat

"Hello my little toucans!" I say happily as I wave at the camera. "As promised, I will be posting 8 days of challenges and this is day one. This is my boyfriend Michael" I point to the green haired boy sitting next to me and he waves. "I have joined him and his band on tour for 2 weeks so let's get this started."

"You never told me what challenge we are doing" Michael says to me.

"That's because I don't know yet" I laugh. I call Calum in from the other room and take the hat off his head.

"HEY!" He retorts as I put 8 different pieces of paper in to the hat.

"Choose one Calum" I tell him and he pulls one out from the bottom.He hands it to me.

"The saltine challenge" I say. 

"What are the rules to this one?" Michael asks. 

"We have to eat 6 saltines each in under a minute and we can't drink any water while we are doing it" I explain.

"That shouldn't be too bad" Michael says. "I totally got this one."

"I tried this once with Stella and I was laughing so hard I couldn't get it" I told him.

"So what you are saying is that I should get Luke and Ashton and we need to make you guys laugh" Calum says.

"That is not what I am saying at all, Cal" I reply.

"Yeah, I'm going to get them" he says as he walks into the other room.

"Your friends are a bunch a buttheads" I tell Michael and he laughs.

"They are your friends too" he reminds me.

"We are going to have to make sure that Calum gets the smoothie challenge one" I laugh and Michael doubles over. 

"Please! I want to see him almost hurl" he keeps laughing.

"Your sadistic" I joke. Calum walks back in the room with the others and the box of saltines. He places them in front of us and Michael and I each take 6 crackers.

"You want to tell my toucans what the loser has to do Mikey?" I ask him.

"The loser of this game has to submerge him or herself into a tub full of ice and stay in their for 2 rounds of 'I'm little teapot'" he says with a smile. "Y/N loses at every game we play together so you can prepare for that. Grab your ear muffs so you don't have to hear her sing."

"Ha ha very funny asshat" I say back. I take a deep breath as I set my phone timer for one minute and look up at Michael.

"Ready for this Mikey?"

"Piece of cake babe" he replies.

"One, two, three GO" I say as I push the button and shove 3 crackers in at once. My mouth is immediately dry and I feel like the cracker has just formed a ball in the center. I try to chew to get past  that ball and that is when I make the mistake of looking up. Calum is dancing around like an idiot as Luke just pokes Michael. Michael is laughing at the faces that Ashton is making and there are bits of cracker flying out of his mouth. I try to keep my mouth shut while I laugh but little bits of cracker fly up my nose and I sneeze. I am able to keep from getting cracker everywhere though. Michael laughs at my sneeze and I swallow the first half of my crackers. I show the camera my timer and there is 25 seconds left when I cram the second 3 crackers in my mouth. I notice that Michael has gone for the one at a time method and he is one the 4th cracker now. I show him the timer and he puts the last 2 in his mouth with a laugh. I am almost done and I feel pretty awesome as Luke starts the countdown to the end. 

"Ten, nine, eight, seven" he says as he tries to distract me. I focus on Michael and remind myself that I have to beat him. 

"Six, five, four" he continues. Victory is going to be so sweet.

"THREE, TWO, ONE!" Luke says louder and I open my mouth to show that there is nothing in there. I stand with my arms above my head as Michael hangs his head down.

"What's the matter Mikey?" I asked joking. 

"Why is it that the only time I loose to you is when singing in a tub full of ice is involved" he groans with a laugh.

"Because I really didn't want to be in there" I replied. I looked at the camera and laugh.

"We will be right back guys after we fill the tub with ice" I tell the camera and shut it off. Calum and Luke go to 2 different ice machines several times to fill the tub and I click the camera back on.

"If you are staying in our hotel and need ice, I am so sorry" I say. "But if you want a laugh, here is Michael in his boxers." I look at him with an amused but confused expression.

"Are those Calum's?" I ask, cocking my head to the side.

"How do you know that? Do I have to beat Calum up?" Michael replies looking right at Calum.

"No you dork, it was on an interview last week. But it's cute as hell that you are wearing toucan boxers for all my little toucans. Now it's like they have all touched your penis. Way to go Michael" I heard Calum cackle in the background. 

"Here goes nothing" Michael says as he climbs in and sits down. "Holy fuck it's cold."

"Yeah, I imagine a tub full of frozen water is cold" I joke. He fake glares at me. 

"I'm a little teapot short and stout, here is my handle, here is my spout when I get all steamed up here me shout, tip me over and pour me out" Michael sings and starts to get up.

"No way Jose. We made a deal, sing it again" I laughed. "Sorry for shaking the camera guys but I can't help it. This shit is too funny."

"I'm a little teapot short and stout, here is my handle, here is my spout when I get all steamed up here me shout, tip me over and pour me out" he says faster and stands up. He turns the warm water on as high as it goes to melt the ice.

"Bye guys!" I say cheerfully and I pan to all of the boys landing last on Michael.

"I hope you guys appreciate this" he says as he jumps under the warm water. I turn the camera off and walk back into the bedroom.

"Thanks for your help guys" I tell the boys.

"No problemo, who is your next victim?" Ashton asks. 

"Why I'm so glad you asked Mr. Irwin. You are next be prepared for tomorrow." He walks away with a groan.

This is going to be a rough week.

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