Bad influence

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Bad influence (Michael)

By: those-5sos-feels

After dating you for 6 months Michael picked up a few of your habits like being late and having an "I don't care about anything" attitude more than he already had. The other guys were sick of it and could see you changing Michael to the point he left the band which none of them wanted that so it was time for operation "break Y/N and Michael up" they started thinking of a way that would break you up for good without hurting Michael too much. After a few minutes of silence Calum came up with an idea "What if we get a fan to kiss Michael and tell her he's cheating" they all agreed to it little did they know Michael was outside of the door listening to their genius idea he went back to his bunk before they seen him listening. Michael couldn't understand why they weren't happy for him you were the first girl he's ever really liked and felt comfortable with now it seemed like he was torn between the guys and you he sighed a little too loudly as Luke walked by. Luke opened the curtain and sat next to Michael "Hey what's wrong" Michael couldn't tell Luke he knew about their plan as much as he wanted to "oh nothing just tired" he smiled hoping it seemed believable "well get some sleep we can't have a guitarist that sleeps through all the shows" Michael laughed with Luke wishing he would go away. He eventually did and Michael was still trying to decide what to do about the whole situation could he really let you go? What if you were the one? Would the guys ever be happy for him? The questions kept coming and the more he thought about it the more frustrated he became he decided to sleep and see what happened in the morning. After having dream after dream about the situation it was finally morning and he had to make a decision he decided he couldn't come between the guys friendship after all he had known them longer and was in a band with him as much as he hated it he knew it had to come down to this he made the dreaded call and broke it off. The guys were secretly happy but tried to support Michael after the first few days they regretted it immediately but as far as they knew it was all Michael's decision.

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