Tenerife Sea

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Tenerife Sea // Michael Clifford.

By: il0veyoudarling

We are surrounded by all of these lies and people who talk too much.

You got the kind of look in your eyes as if no one knows anything but us.

The pap's camera flashes blind me the moment I step out of the building even though Ashton's in front of me, trying his best to save my eyes. I groan as the pap's start to talk over the top of one another, spitting rumours in our direction. Fans are stepping aside and forcing the older men with cameras to do the same as we walk out. A few girls call out to the boys and they stop, taking photos with their fans.

"Come here." Michael motions towards a bench away from everyone.

"What're you doing?" I laugh as he crouches down. I'm aware of everyone's eyes on us and I raise an eyebrow at him. I quickly realise that he's trying to get me on his shoulders.

"You're too small. I feel like I'm going to lose you." He murmurs so only I can hear. I roll my eyes at him but climb onto the bench before throwing one leg over his shoulder. He holds my hands as I throw my other leg over his other shoulder. "You good?" He asks, releasing my hands and holding to my thighs, his head tilted back to stare up at me.

I tangle my fingers loosely in his hair and nod, smiling down at him.

Should this be the last thing I see I want you to know it's enough for me cause all that you are is all that I'll ever need.

He starts to walk back to the boys and Ashton glances up at me as Calum walks slightly behind Michael.

"So lovebirds, are you going to tell them?" Luke asks. I start to braid sections of Michael's hair. Michael shakes his head causing the braids to come loose and a pout to form on my lips.

"They'll figure it out soon enough." Michael shrugs, squeezing my thigh. We continue to walk around the city, occasionally stopping to take photos with fans, Michael not once letting me off his shoulders. I glance down at him, a feeling of pure bliss washing through my body because the boy with fading hair is the only think I'll ever need and it doesn't matter if the fans know that or not.

And all of the voices surrounding us here they just fade out when you take a breath just say the word and I will disappear into the wilderness.

We return to the hotel the boys are staying at and a bunch of fans greet us at the doors. Ashton happily bounces into the small crowd of girls to take photos with as many as he can, Calum and Luke following his lead.

"Let me down so you can go see them." I tell Michael, hitting the top of his head lightly. He shakes his head. "Michael Clifford put me down so you can go see your fans." I tell him forcefully. He sighs before walking over to the bench from before and crouching down. I swing my legs over his shoulders and stand on the bench, only just being taller than the boy. I watch as he breathes in and out, his eyes staring into mine, the girls in the background fading out.

"You need to go see them." I whisper. He glances between me and the girls. "Go. I'll come find you in a moment." I hum. He nods and walks towards the girls before stopping in his tracks and turning back around, jogging back to the bench and placing a sweet kiss on my lips.

"I love you." He grins before going to his fans.

I'm so in love, so in love

So in love, love, love, love

So in love.

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