Cheating part 2

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this was requested by: CassidyTaborLauraOshea, and Stephie_R

"Mikey if you walk around acting all mopey and sad i swear i'm going to kick you out of my apartment." Calum told his long time best friend. "ugh, you don't understand!" Michael protested, sticking out his tongue and roughly planting himself on the couch face first. 

"I'm serious Mikey if you're this sad about this girl then why don't you go get her back?" Calum asked. He was so done with his best friend's ugly post-breakup attitude. "Because she hates me, she thinks i was cheating on her!" 

"Do i-" Michael paused and pointed at himself. "Look like a cheater to you?" he asked Calum. Calum rolled his eyes at Michael for about the 100th time that day. "No but you do look homeless and you smell homeless too." Calum said as he scrunched up his nose. 

"Lets clean you up and i'll drive you over to your girlfriends house and we can fix this whole mess up huh? How does that sound?" Michael nodded as he slowly got up from the couch and walked off to the bathroom. Calum sighed and turned on the tv, Michael was a mess.


Four hours later, yes four hours later, thats how long it took Mikey to get ready and get the balls to go to his girlfriends- or should we say- ex girlfriends house. It was actually her parents house and she was staying there until she figured out where she would go and what she would do. Mikey and her did have an apartment but they both didn't have the guts to go back there afraid that they would run into each other. 

"Okay, we've arrived." Calum said as he turned around from the drivers seat to the back where Mikey was sitting, a pout on his face. Luke sat in the passengers seat.

"Why am i here?" Luke mumbled as he rubbed his eyes. "You woke me up from my nap." He ruffled his bed head a little trying to look more acceptable. 

"You're here for moral support and also to help me get him out of the car!" Calum informed Luke. Luke shrugged and rest his head against the window of the car yawning loudly and falling asleep again. Calum smacked his head with his hand. "what sort of friends do i have?" he asked himself.

"Get out of the car!" He yelled to Mikey. Mikey's pout grew about 10 cm's more and he got out of the car. He stood by the car door not bothering to move. Calum rolled his eyes (again) and got out himself. He closed the door and locked the car not bothering to roll down a window or turn on the aircon for poor Luke. But he didn't give a crap. Calum grabbed Michaels hand and pulled him to the front door, he rang the doorbell and they waited. 

Finally after five minutes a woman who looked about 60 years old opened the door. "Hi y/ns mom." Michael said shyly, he waved a little. "I'm here to talk to y/n!" He informed her. 

y/n's mom let him and Calum in. "She's in her old bedroom, she hasn't left for about a week." y/n's mom told him. "The break up was hard on her."

"We didn't break up!" Michael affirmatively told her. "Whatever you say sweetie!" y/ns mom said as she walked away from the boys and into the kitchen. 

"I'll wait here." Calum told Mikey as he detached his hand away from Mikey's. "Good luck bro." 

Michael gulped as he went up the stairs and knocked on y/n's door. y/n quickly opened the door yelling "GO AWAY MOM-" she soon saw it was Mikey and tried to close the door but Mikey was quick, he grabbed the door knob and pushed the door open and entered her room. "We need to talk."

She shrugged her shoulders. "Whatever you want to say i don't care!" she yelled.

"Stop being so stubborn, you know i would never cheat on you. I love you. I am at the studio working hard to support me and you and i don't even know what to say because i've never even thought about cheating on you. you're my whole entire world." Michael spilled his heart out. He had honestly given her everything. She was his girl there was no doubt about it. He would never do anything to hurt her ever.

Tears began to stream down y/n's face. "Look Mikey I'm so sorry its just you've been hanging around all these attractive celebrities and models and all these girls that i could never compete with and i automatically assumed-" she couldn't even finish her sentence. More tears came streaming down her face.

"Baby no way would i ever cheat on you, i swear, i love you." Mikey said as he walked over to her and embraced her. "You really need to start talking to me more. Every time you have these feelings please tell me. I want this relationship to last." 

Y/N nodded. "I love you too Mikey and i'm sorry i acted so irrationally."


I tried to make this longer since someone asked me to make it longer but its midnight and i have many other requests to do so sorry if it's not as long as you wanted!

keep requesting guys! 

and don't forget:





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