Please stay forever with me

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Please stay forever with me

By: 5secondstoimagine

Please Stay Forever With Me; Michael Clifford.

Michael's POV; 

"Just a few more hours." I said to myself as I paced the hotel room back and forth. "Hey man, you okay?" Luke asked me. "Yeah, I can't wait, you know?" I smiled as our security came in to get us. "Well, your wait isn't much longer." He smiled back at me before he headed out and grabbed his bags. I picked mine up and we all piled into the small elevator. "So, Michael you're leaving to Y/N's house?" Calum asked me. "Yes." I said grinning ear to ear. No one knew yet, but Y/N was pregnant. I couldn't wait to go home and see her and her cute little bump. She was getting so big last time I seen her, but even that was over Skype, and that was a few weeks ago. She was 7 months pregnant, No one knew, because no one out of the guys talked to her, and she hadn't been going out in public. When we reached ground level we all piled out and then walked to the car. It was a crammed car considering it was a car and not a van, like normal. We reached the airport around 45 minutes later. The next three hours dragged on, I was the only one boarding the plane from Texas to Michigan. The actual plane ride was two hours and 45 minutes. I played music the whole time. Y/N said she was going to sleep, so I text'd Luke on his flight home, him and the rest of the boys were going to Australia. I had to make one more stop. That was too my future, oh did I not mention by this time tomorrow she will hopefully be my fiance. The plane landed. I got my bags and carried on with my journey to find her mom. "Michael!!" Mum called. "Hi mom." I said as I hugged her. "How have you been? How was tour?" She beamed a smile my way. "You know? The usual." I said as we walked back towards her car. "Y/N still thinks you're going to be a day or so late." She said looking at me for approval. I just sat and nodded my head. The drive back to her house was spent talking about, how Y/N and the baby have been. This week we would also find out what the sex is. I cant wait. We pulled into the driveway of the nice white, and brick house. It was a silent area. No one really was ever too loud here except when me and the boys were back. I grabbed my bags from the car, taking slow steps. I smiled walking through the door. "I'm home" I whispered. Mom must have heard me because she turned back and smiled at me. As soon as I walked into the house I was greeted by Y/N's dad. "Michael." He said shaking my hand. "Hi, sir." I shook his hand back. "Do you want something? The last time yo called me sir, was when you asked to take her on tour with you, and you brought her back pregnant." He laughed. I smiled back shaking my head. "Uh actually..." I began. "Do, I uh." I started mumbling and jumbling my words together. "Spit it out son." He said looking at me confused. "May I have permission to marry your daughter sir." I spoke the last words softly. "Permission granted." He said as him and Y/N'a mother nodded. "Thank you." I smiled at them both. "Now go, get Y/N" dad said patting me on the back. I ran up the stairs with my back, breathing heavy but slow. I walked a slow pace headed towards Y/N's room. I slowly opened the door and walked in, slipping my shoes off and setting my bags down. I placed my phone on her night table and stripped from my shirt before cuddling close to Y/N with my hand resting on her tummy. "Life's great." I smiled and rubbed her bare tummy.

Y/N's POV;:;:;

I awoke to cold metal against my back. Since lately I've only slept in a sports bra. I couldn't turn around to see who was behind me. Figuring Michael had come home I didn't bother to look. I stared at the ceiling before rolling on my side more, seeing the same blue and black bags from two months ago laying on my floor. I saw his shoes and shirt. I now new my Mikey was home. "You're awake?" I heard a sleepy voice behind me say. "Yeah, love. It's 3pm." I giggled. I felt the body behind me move and sit up. I rolled back to my other side looking up at Michael. "It's been so long." I whined touching Mikey's chest down to his stomach. "I missed you, and this little one so much." Michael smiled leaning down placing a kiss on my belly. "We've missed you too." I said smiling as Mikey leaned over and place a single kiss on my lips. "Wanna go out?" Michael said looking at me hopeful. "Um, I have to ask-" I was cut off with a kicking in my stomach. "Michael!" I screamed as I grabbed his hand, placing it on where the baby was kicking. "Go get ready, they already know." Michael spoke as he placed a kiss on my forehead. I smiled and walked over to my closet pulling the door so I could see what's inside. I pulled down a pair of my leggings. Black of course and a pink tank top. I slowly took my pants off and forgot Michael was still laying in my bed. "Damn." He said biting his lip. "No Mikey that's how we ended up in this mess." I giggled and pulled the rest of my clothes on throwing a (You're Not Michael Clifford) sweater on over the tank. "Beautiful" he said as I stood in front of the mirror pulling my hair to a messy side ponytail. I didn't bother with an makeup. Michael got re-dressed and joined me downstairs by my parents. By now it was almost four. "We're leaving now." Michael beamed. "Okay stay safe. No more grandchildren! Not yet." Mom laughed. I giggled and walked to my car with Michael. Of course because it being Michael. He insisted that it be a surprise and he drive. Which I was fine with. We drove about 30 miles. With took us almost an hour. We ended up at a really nice restaurant. "For my lady." He said as he opened my door for me leading the way. Never letting go of my hand. "I look like a mess." I sighed. "Nah, you look beautiful." He smiled. His purple hair shone in the lights as we walked in. He looks amazing. We had about a twenty minute wait. Which I spent standing, and apparently the sweater didn't hide my bump but make it more predominate. We ate dinner discussing tour and me and the baby. The guys my family and so on. At the end of dinner there was a guy who stood around 5'11. Michael handed him his phone. Michael started speaking, "Y/N, I love you so much. I really want to spend the rest of my life with you. But times are hard and waits are long, usually. Like the 9 months we have to wait for baby Clifford. So without saying any more, I have to ask you will you Y/F/N, Y/M/N, Y/L/N marry me and become a Clifford with us?" The tears fell down my cheek as he got on one knee and opened the small black box. It was a simple yet beautiful ring, and it was amazing. "I'm afraid, I'll have to say....... Yes!" I smiled as we both stood up and I heard the crowd around us clap, and cheer. The cameras were flashing and the moment couldn't have been better. As our lips collided Michael found the way to my finger and slid the ring on. Moment later Michael took back his phone and posted a picture on Instagram, and twitter, with the caption "Michael Clifford + Baby Clifford = Future Y/N Clifford." Now I couldn't wait to spend forever with him.

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