Video Games (Daddy)

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By: 5-seconds-of-lostboys

What was a better way to spend a boring, Wednesday afternoon. There was hanging out with your boyfriend before he left for a few months, then there was cleaning. But did you really wanna clean, hello no! All you wanted to do was to hang out with your boy toy and just relax, but he didn't want to and decided to do something else, video games.

Dating Michael Clifford is a dream within itself. He's a great kisser, amazing cuddler, an absolute beast in the sheets, the total package. Just when he wanted to relax, it was playing video games. You didn't mind at all, you loved watching him play and get so into it to where he's swearing left and right. To be honest it was quite adorable how you would lay on his lap and he would give you kisses every once in a while.

But now, he was playing this game for the last 14 hours, not moving once from the couch. It was making you sort of jealous how the video game got more attention than you did, but how were you going to claim that back? There was only one thing you were thinking of doing, but you didn't know how it would truly go. Your cards were on the table, now you just had to play them.



"Can we please go cuddle and watch scary movies?" You said in a baby voice.

"Babe I'm in the middle of the game."

"But Mikeyyyyyyy." You whine.

"In a few."

"Fine, Daddy." You huffed standing up.

As you made it behind the couch, you saw how the video game was now paused and his head slowly turned towards you. The smirk on your face gave away so much as Michael intently stared at you, confusion whipped across his face. Turning back towards him, you tilted your head at him.

"What did you call me?" He asked, wide eyed.

"D-Daddy?" You say, batting your eyelashes.

"Is Kitten jealous that I've been spending so much time battling Luke that she misses me?"

You nod childishly, watching him get up and come towards you. He shut the game and tv off, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you closer so your bodies had no space in between them. Giggling like a little school girl, you look up at Michael as he sweeps you up,bridal style, bringing you into the bedroom. The lights got shut off and the TV turned on.

"Movie day, just you and me okay kitten?"

"Okay." You smile.

With that, Michael brought the blanket over you both as you sat in between his legs. He decided to watch Scream, a classic. Now this is all you ever wanted, to curl up with Michael and never leave this moment.
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