Boats Suck

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Michael Imagine for Anon: Boats Suck

By: 5sosprefencess

Michael is a complete and total romantic sap when it comes to dates. With the band's constant messed up schedule, he never got much time to spend with you. Whenever he knew that he would have enough time, Michael always schemed special dates for you. Usually they were just spur of the moment trips to new pizza places or the occasional beach weekend, but he has taken you to the zoo and even an art museum. Usually you didn't care what you did just as long as you got to spend your time together. 

"Michael, Where the hell are we going? It's going to rain soon, why are we driving out of town?"

"Because what we are going to be doing can't be done in the middle of a strip mall (y/n)."

"That was vague, Michael..seriously tell me what we are doing! I'm not dressed for the rain!"

"Stop pouting, you'll like it I promise!"

He smiles as he flicks the radio volume up, so that he can't hear your complaints. The further he drives away from the city, the darker the clouds get and it's making you a bit nervous. As you get closer to Michael's destination, you start noticing billboards and street signs advertising for marinas and jet ski rentals.  A sinking feeling starts invading your gut and your hands start to tremble as you start to speculate Michael's plans. You are about out of a small fishing town, so you start to relax, maybe you won't be going on a boat after all. Just as you start to breathe again, Michael flicks on the turn signal and turns into the smallest Marina, that you didn't even notice. "Small Riverboat Tours HERE:" reads the marquee above an uncrowded log cabin. Michael parks the car in one of the many empty spaces in the deserted parking lot. He eagerly hops out of the car and walks over to your side, ready to open the door for you.

"(Y/N)! Unlock the door so I can open it!"


"Why the hell not?"

"I don't want to go on that boat."

"What? It's going to be fine, are you worried about the weather?"

"No, I'm worried about the boat!"

"I'll be right beside you the whole time. You'll be safe I promise."

"I know you will, but I still hate boats."

Michael rolls his eyes, and unlocks the car door manually. He silently unhooks your seat belt and tries miserably to get you out of the car.

"Please (y/n)? It will be fun, I promise! It's only an hour trip! I've been on it before and I'm fine now aren't I?"

"No, you suck for making me do this."

"So you'll do this?"

Michael ignores the insult and steps aside so that you have enough room to get out of the car. He links your hands instantly as he leads the way to the log cabin. Before you enter, he leans down and kisses the top of your forehead in the middle of your eyebrows. You smack him away after a moment, because it's obvious he's trying to distract you. While he buys the tickets, you glance around the tiny gift shop.

"Great news (y/n)! Since the weather's going to turn soon, they're taking us out on the water now for half price and half the time! You only have to be on the boat for half an hour now."

"What if we get stuck in the bad weather?"

"That's why we are leaving now and making it a shorter trip, all bad weather avoided that way. If you don't like it, I'll buy you dinner."

"I hate you so much for doing this. You can't let my hand go. Don't even think about pretending to throw me overboard either."

Michael laughs at your comment, because it's as if you read his mind. Michael boards the boat first and leads you towards a middle seat so that you aren't anywhere near the edge. He sits as close as possible to you and wraps one arm around your shoulder, so that your hands are touching on your right side. Once the boat gets out of the bay, your harsh grip that's turned your knuckles white loosens. The views from the top of the boat are stunning from what you can tell, you've only opened your eyes up for a few seconds before shutting them again.

"Open your eyes (y/n), You're missing the view!"

"I'm still scared."

"I'm right here."

"I know."

"Look at me."

His eyes are almost on top of yours as you snap your eyelids open. For a moment you forget about the boat because he's blocking your view entirely, he even put his hands around your face like a fool, so that you can't see around him. 

"I'm going to move my hands now, please don't scream at me."


He moves his hands away from your face and for the first time you fully take in the view of the open water- and it's beautiful. You can't believe you almost let your fear get the best of you, it was worth it seeing the water ripple around the boat. Michael smiles as he notices you keep your eyes open the rest of the ride, he also keeps his promise and doesn't let your hand go. As the boat pulls back towards the bay you thank him for talking you into going.

"That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I'm still scared out of my mind, but I think being with you helped a lot. Thank you Michael."

"So I take it you sorta enjoyed it? Does this mean I don't have to buy dinner now?"

"Shut up, now you're buying me dessert too."

"Oh c'mon (y/n) I'm just kidding, besides I have reservations at our favorite italian place anyways. You really are the best you know?"

"I'm only the best when I'm with you, now can we get off this boat before I get sea sick?"

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