Mikey and Lukey both like you

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Imagine: Michael and Luke both like you, but you just want to be friends.

(Requested by anon)

By: long-live-5sos on tumblr

You were just starting to wake up, the faint light from the outside world not allowing you to go back to sleep. Then you heard your phone buzz from your bedside table. Sleepily you reached over, almost falling out of bed in the process. You unplugged the charger cable and rolled back into the centre of your bed to see what was happening.

It was a text from Luke Hemmings. You smiled to yourself as you read that they had planned to go to the beach and that they were picking you up. You and Luke had been best friends for years, and you had seen the band grow. You had just finished school so you would be joining them on their next tour, which you couldn't wait for!

The rest of the band was just as nice to you and you got along really well. Michael in particular. You two could just play video games for hours and still not get bored. He always seemed willing to make time just to see you, all of the boys did. You decided it would be best if you got up now, which gave you a few hours to get ready.

In that time you ate a quick breakfast, telling your dad that you were going to the beach today, casual chit chat. After a shower, you picked out your black bikini from your drawers. Nothing special, besides you liked the simplicity of it. You pulled denim shorts on and slipped into a blue tank top before your sorted your hair out. Once up in a cute ponytail, you packed yourself a little beach bag. In this you put a beach towel, sun cream, tanning oil, extra clothes and two bottles of icy water. Hopefully they would stay cold this way.

You had only just slipped on your blue flats when you heard a car pull up outside. Grinning to yourself, you grabbed your sunglasses and house keys before running out to the car. "Hey guys!" You greeted them. Ashton was driving by the looks of it, with Calum in the passenger seat. Luke and Michael were sat in the back, leaving the space inbetween them for you.

Once you had climbed over Luke's ridiculously long legs, you buckled yourself in. The was kind of difficult due to Michael's ass being in the way. You all laughed about it before Ashton started the car again. The ride was short and filled with jokes and casual talk. "I'm surprised Michael's here actually, I always thought he was allergic to the sun!" You teased lightly, earning a nudge in the arm from the blushing boy.

You arrived at the beach in no time and while the others got their things out from the boot of the car, you decided to take in the sight of beach. It wasn't very busy, but that just made things better. You walked next to Ashton up at the front as you searched for a place to sit. "Luke and Michael are really quiet today." You commented, hoping for some sort of explanation. Of course that didn't come, just a smirk and a little giggle from the oldest member of the group. You rolled your eyes a little bit couldn't help but smile as you placed your towels down.

"Last one in the sea is driving back!" You heard Ashton yell, so immediately you chased after him, glad that you had taken your shoes off already. Calum tried tripping you but instead of falling by yourself, you dragged him down with you, giggling hysterically as you did so. You felt someone go to help you up and you saw it was Michael. You thanked him quickly before running with him away from Calum, who was now last.

The other boys went far enough into the sea so that the water was at their waists, but it was too cold for you so you just stayed in the shallow area, the water not even reaching your knees. You watched as they splashed each other and tried to beckon you over, you tried to decline but Luke was already making his way over to you. It wasn't until he was close to you that you realised he was drenched... And running at you!

You started to run across the beach, determined to escape Luke, but his long legs gave him the advantage. Before long he had caught up to you and wrapped his arms around your body, already dragging you back to the ocean. "Luke! Luke no!" You cried out as he picked you up and started taking you deeper into the ocean to where everyone else was. "Luke! I will kill you if you don't put me down." You tried threatening but he just laughed, knowing you didn't mean it.

"Alright, alright." He said as he let you go, dropping you into the water that now came up to your stomach. Your jaw dropped at how cold it actually was and you tried to get out by jumping onto anything. 'Anything' just happened to be Michael and he toppled over straight into the water, with you on top of him. As your surfaced, you could hear laughter around you and several comments.

"Ooooh, bet you enjoyed that, Mikey!"

"Aww look at little Luke getting all jealous!"

"Wishes she'd jump onto him!"

You blushed at the comments, and so did Michael, his face almost as red as his hair. You forced yourself to laugh with them despite your embarrassment. "I'm gonna go and get rid of these clothes now that I'm soaked, thanks guys." You laughed a little before you made your way out. You stripped of your shorts and top, placing them into a carrier bag, glad that you had brought spare close just in case this happened. After putting on some sun cream, you decided to stay on your beach towel and just relax a little bit.

It wasn't long until Ashton left the sea, clearly had enough of the boys' games. He sat himself on his towel and just waited for the sun to start drying his dripping body naturally. "They both like me, don't that, Ash?" You asked as you looked across. "Luke and Michael, I mean. They both fancy me..." Ashton looked over at you and just nodded. This caused you to let out a small sigh, you had never seen any of them like that. They were more like family now, and it would just be strange if you were to date either of them. You but your lip nervously and Ashton clearly noticed. "If you don't like them back, I could tell them, if you wanted." You shook your head at his suggestion, knowing that would crush them. You couldn't do that to two of your best friends. Whether or not you'd be friends by the end of it was questionable now, but you just hoped things wouldn't change.

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