Michael Clifford Au

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Michael Clifford AU one shot
This was inspired but the lovely 5sossmut-iwritedirtythings
By: cumformeclifford on tumblr

You pulled up to your local grocery store and put your car in park. You double checked the short list of snacks your friend had asked you to pick up for your night together before heading inside.

The store was practically empty, not surprising since it was a Friday night. You picked up a small basket and searched the empty aisles for the items on your list.

As you were shopping, She Looks So Perfect came on, a song from your favorite band. There was no one around so you sang along softly to the song. As you reached the second chorus, suddenly you heard a voice joining in with you. A very familiar voice.

You whipped around to find a colorful haired boy standing before you. You couldn't help but let out an audible gasp. Michael Clifford was standing right in front of you.

"I thought we were gonna do a duet," he smirked.

"Oh um sorry," you managed. You knew you sounded stupid, but you were still in a state of shock.

"It's alright, sorry if I scared you by the way," he chuckled lightly, obviously you weren't very good at hiding how disheveled you were.

"It's okay I'm fine," you replied, sounding a little more normal, "what are you doing here?"

Michael held up his arm to show off the case of beer he had in his hand. "Emergency run for the band," he explained.

"Looks like your having a more exciting night than I am," you said, flashing your bag of cheese doodles.

Michael laughed and joked, "Wow extra cheesy you really know how to get wild uh what's your name?"

"I'm y/n," you answered.

"I'm Michael, but I think you knew that," he smirked. Your breath caught in your throat as his green eyes gleamed before you. Sure, you had seen tons of pictures of him online, but nothing compared to standing right in front you. He was more beautiful than you had even thought.

Suddenly, your phone buzzed in your pocket. You saw that it was your friend asking where you were. You felt bad making her wait and you knew you needed to go.

"I'm sorry but my friend is waiting for me, I should go," you said to him even though the last thing you wanted to do was leave.

"Yeah I should probably get going too," he replied, "let me walk you out." You smiled and nodded glad to have a few more minutes with him. He placed his beer down on the counter and told you to put up your snacks too so he could pay for them.

"Oh no you don't have to pay for me," you said to him.

"Too late I already did," he insisted, quickly handing his card to the cashier so I didn't have time to time to stop him. What a goof.

"Well thank you I appreciate it," you giggled, packing your things away in bags. He nodded and scribbled on his recite, before handing it to you.

"Just in case you ever wanna finish that duet," he winked before leaving the store. You looked down at the paper and saw a phone number written on it. Oh my god, you thought, he gave me his number.

You excitedly dashed out of the store dialing your friends number. "Y/F/N," you said when she answered, "you'll never guess what just happened."

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