Ice Cream

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Ice Cream (Michael)

By: beanie-cal

Description: Mikey gets a little jealous when you're openly flirted with in front of him.


You woke up from your nap feeling groggy and looked to you right to find Michael still snoring softly with an arm draped over you. You smiled at how much he looked like a kitten while he was asleep despite how punk rock he thought he was.

You gently shook him awake and watched as his eyes adjusted to the light. It looked like he'd forgotten where he was for a moment. But then he saw you, and cracked a small smile,"Hey."

You smiled back,"Hey. Wanna go out and do something? We stayed home all day."

He nodded but his arms tightened around you,"Sure Babe, but let's just cuddle for a second?"

You giggled but nodded even though he couldn't see you because he was nuzzled into your neck. You both stayed there cuddling for a bit, before getting dressed to go out.

As you got into the passengers seat of Michael's car you asked, "So where do you want to go?"

He looked thoughtful for a moment, before his eyes brightened excitedly,"Ice cream!"

You chuckled at his silliness and agreed to go out for ice cream. Upon arrival at the ice cream parlor, you both looked over the menu and Michael decided on red velvet, while you went for moose tracks, your favorite.

You both made your way up to the cash register to place your orders, and the boy who seemed to be around your age that was running the register was looking at you oddly.

"How may I help you?" He looked directly into your eyes while flashing a charming smile. He was not an ugly boy at all, very attractive and tall, but your heart belonged to the tall kitten next to you who was currently clenching his jaw and squeezing your hand.

You looked up at Michael to find that he was glowering at the cashier and his face was oddly turning red.

It was awkward, the cashier staring at you, your boyfriend staring, no, glaring at the cashier.

To be honest, you almost laughed at the situation,"I'll have Moose Tracks, please."

"Anything for a pretty girl like you," the boy answered smoothly. Michael's hand was even tighter around yours as he cleared his throat.

The cashier looked at him with a bored expression on his face,"And you?"

"Red Velvet," he spoke through clenched teeth and you tried your hardest not to laugh at his jealousy.

Michael payed the money before you could even try to and before leaving to complete your orders, the cashier winked at you.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Michael roll his eyes dramatically and you chuckled quietly.

When the cashier came he quickly handed Michael his ice cream and looked back at you,"Any chance I could maybe get your number?" He shot you another charming grin, and you knew what was coming next.

"No, you cannot have her number, she's my girlfriend! I am so tired of watching you flirt with her, back off man!" Michael was nearly shouting and you couldn't help it any more, you doubled over in laughter.

Michael grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the ice cream parlor and you saw many eyes on you on your way out.

When you got into the car and buckled your seat belt, you looked over at Michael who almost had steam coming out of his ears.

"Mikey, where's your ice cream?" 

He replied with a scowl on his face,"I dropped it."

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