Cute moments with Michael

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Cute moments with Michael

By: eleanors-starbucks

My eyes fluttered open, and the warm, fresh light came creeping in. I felt a pair of arms around my waist. The only arms that you wanted around for now, and forever.

You then felt his lips press against the back of your neck. You smiled. "Morning beautiful." He said in thar huskey morning voice that made you go weak at the knees. " Morning" you mumbled. Taking in his sent, the little colours in his eyes, his arms around your waist, all the little things. You didn't want anything to change, you wanted to stay in this moment. But your alam thought different.

"Oh shit, work!" You said, throwing the sheets and bolting for the kitchen to make some breakfast. "Oh no, not so fast!" Michael laughed, grabbing your waist before you could manage leaving the room. "Micky, let me go right now! I am going to be late for work!" You told him, struggling to escape him.

He smiled. "I don't care, I want you stay," "So do I but this is my job, I'll be back before 3." "Too long, " he whispered into your ear.You knew what he was going to do now, and it always worked so you ducked and broke his grip and ran for it, laughing.

You thought you had got enough time to put on the toast, but Michael was pretty fast and grabbed you and you both fell to the floor and you burst out laughing. He sat on you and began to tickle you, all the places he knew that would make you laugh so hard. "I I..I cant..brEATHE..MICheal PlwaSE."

He stopped and let you catch your breathe. He bent down and kissed your lips softly, and again and again. He then lay beside you and you said.

"Okay, give me the phone, I quit."

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