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By: cliffordsharts

You and Michael were sitting next to each other on the tour bus with the other boys. You were all really close friends, but you and Michael were very close friends... ok a bit more than friends. In fact, you loved each other a lot. The other boys would always tease you about how cheesy you were with each other but you didn't care.

All of you had been lazy the whole day since they had a day off, and you had basically just been watching movies the whole time. After a while, Michael began to get bored after putting his phone away, so he had an idea. His hand moved away from his lap and slowly trailed to your thigh, squeezing gently. You let out a gasp at his action, "What are you doing?" you whispered to him quietly. He just smirked and replied, "i'm bored. and the only thing that can cure my boredom is you... and being on top of you." You could feel your face flush at his words and you began to shift uncomfortably, getting turned on. 

Calum would notice what was going on and interrupt "Michael what are you doing? You can't just start touching Y/N when we're all here!" Luke and Ash looked over and started to laugh, teasing Michael about how desperate he was. Michael rolled his eyes, "Fine. Then get the fuck out and let me have some alone time with my lady. Unless you wanna stay while we fuck." The other boys started to protest and groan in disgust before piling out of the tour bus, throwing out some crude remarks along the way.

Michael shut the door behind the boys before coming back to sit beside you, smirking. "Now.. where were we?"

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