Car accident

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Car accident

By: lashtonslove

It was a beautiful day. The sky was clear, the air was warm and the girl beside me was just as perfect as the blue sky. I needed to get to the studio and on the way there we passed the mall for Y/N to be dropped off. She said to me this morning that she was going to be shopping with all of her girlfriends, so I decided to drive her there.

I looked beside me to look at my stunning girlfriend as she sang along to the radio and looked out the window with her dark sunglasses on her face and her hair blowing in the wind. She was so beautiful. I turned the corner and saw the mall right in front of us. Y/N turned to look at me and there was a smile plastered on her face. "Thank you for driving me, babe." She said and leaned in close to me and placed her soft delicate lips on mine. I pulled away and said, "You're welcome. Do you need me to pick you up afterwards?" "No I think I'll be fine. Just text me when you're done at the studio." She said as she started getting out of the car. I waved out the window and drove off to the studio. The studio was about 20 minutes from the mall so I turned on the radio to keep me occupied.

I turned the corner of the street the studio was located on and all of a sudden I feel my body forcefully stopping from my seat belt and all I heard was a faint ringing in my ear, blocking out all sound and then out of nowhere, all I could see was black.

(Your P.O.V)

I walked into the mall to see my favourite store. My friend told me to meet her there so I walked in and started to walk around the store. I couldn't seem to find her so I stopped in the jewellery section and waited.

After a few minutes, I could feel a vibration in the back of my jeans. I pulled out my phone to see My friends phone number on the screen. I picked it up and answered with a hello. "I'm going to be late, Y/N. I'm so sorry. I think there's an accident or something. All I can see is flashing lights. I'll let you know when I'm close." She said and I simply said okay and hung up. I started to look through the clothes and I found a couple of things to try on so I walked over to the change room and tried them on. I ended up loving the two items so I lined up in the overly long lineup.

About 15 minutes went by and I still couldn't believe I was in this stupid line. The cashiers were taking such a long time and I was starting to get bored. I felt my phone vibrate again so I picked it up and it was my friend again. Hopefully she was close. "Hey, are you almost—" "Y/N!" She cried. "Michael's been hurt. You need to meet us at the hospital. I've got it for now just be there okay." She hung up with no explanation and all I could do was drop the few items I had in my hands and run out of the mall. I called a cab and we rushed to the hospital. I ran to a woman at the front desk and asked where Michael was.

I walked into the hall where I could see Y/F/N. "What the hell happened?" I cried out to my friend. She started to explain that Michael was in a very bad car accident but after I heard car accident, everything went blank. I could feel hot tears falling down my face and I hears someone say my name. "Y/N Y/L/N?" A nurse said as I turned around to look at her. I walked over to her and looked at her. "Yeah that's me." "You can see Michael now." My eyes widened a bit and I ran down the small hallway and ran into Michael's room. He was laying down in the hospital bed with his face all scratched up and bruises up and down his arms and shoulders. I gasped and tried to hold in the tears but I couldn't. I grabbed Michael's hand and placed the other one in his lilac coloured hair, pushing it out of his face. "Y/N?" I heard him say in a low and groggy voice. "Yeah, I'm here baby." I said quietly. "I'm sorry. I just wasn't—" "I don't care. You're here and that's all that matters okay?" I interrupted. "He looked at me and smiled. I leaned in closer to attach our lips but just before we kissed, I said, "I love you so much Michael. Please don't ever leave me." He looked into my eyes and said, "I would never. I love you too much to let you go." He closed the gap in between out lips and slowly, passionately but sweetly made me remember how it felt to have his lips pressed against mine.

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